The journal is ESCI indexed (Web of Science)
Web of Science JIF 2023: 0.5
Scopus SJR for 2023 – 0.2
From the beginning of 1995 the Agricultural Academy in Bulgaria is publishing Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)® - the first agricultural scientific journal in Bulgaria for fundamental and applied researches, published entirely in English language, and one of the few such journals in Central Europe.
Bulgaria is an agricultural country with traditions and long standing experience in the development of agrarian science and production. BJAS, printing in English, in accordance with international standards,provides possibilities for Bulgarian agricultural science to enter adequately into the worlds scientific field, to find its place in reviews, abstracts and electronic means for processing and transfer of scientific information. Besides scientific articles provided in Bulgarian universities and research institutes, BJAS publishes also articles from Eastern Europe and other countries all over the world. The Editorial board of the journal includes prominent scholars from Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Spain, Japan, Greece, Bulgaria and other countries.
The Journal
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)® is a peer-reviewed, open access, online and print journal, issued bimonthly. It has been published in English since 1995.
ISSN 1310-0351 - print
ISSN 2534-983X - online
c/o Jusautor, Sofia
Publisher: Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Martin Banov
Executive editor: Estel Dimitrova (E-mail: bjas_sb@abv.bg)
Еditor: Iliana Nikolova
Web: www.agrojournal.org
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
125, Tzarigradsko shosse Blvd., Block 1
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Print preparation: Ivo Nikov
Printing: Lazaron Print Ltd
Referencing and Indexing
Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index
Web of Science JIF 2023: 0.5
Scopus SJR for 2023 – 0.2
EBSCO - Academic Search Ultimate
CAB Abstracts
Google Scholar
BJAS publishes original research papers, review articles and brief communications form all areas of agricultural science including agricultural economics, agroecology, agrochemisty and soil science, crop science, plant protection, animal science, veterinary medicine, fisheries and aquaculture, agricultural engineering, food technologies and other related areas.
Procedure for Submission
The journal publishes original articles, reviews and short communications that contain original experimental data or new interpretations of existing results. They must comply with the themes of the journal and have not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is unacceptable for the journal. Use of foreign ideas and images in their original form is allowed only in their exact citation. All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism and when there are large parts already published texts or data, the articles are rejected. We do not accept manuscripts that are fully or partially published in other publications. The manuscript, written in English, should be submitted online after registration on the platform: www.agrojournal.agrojournal.org, the other possible way for the submissions is sending on the e-mail address: bjas_sb@abv.bg.
After the reception of the article, the manuscript is given to referees for anonymous peer review. Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts. The editorial staff is not responsible for inaccurate citations, including the content of websites and copyright infringement. The publishing tax is Euro 12 per standard page.
The subscription price is 200 EURO per year.
Prof. Dr. Martin Banov (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Cor. Member Prof. Eng. DSc Stephan Dragoev (Plovdiv – Bulgaria)
Prof. DSc Irena Atanassova (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Prof. DSc Rositza Batchvarova (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Prof. DSc Radka Nedeva (Shumen – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Anelia Katova (Pleven – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Elena Todorovska (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Hrabrin Bachev (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Hristina Yancheva (Plovdiv – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Hristo Daskalov (Sofia – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Neli Valkova (Chirpan – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Staika Laleva (Stara Zagora – Bulgaria)
Assoc. Prof. Vesela Chalova (Plovdiv – Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Diego Rubales (Cordoba – Spain)
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Katis (Thessaloniki – Greece)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Horn (Kiel – Germany)
Prof. Dr. Tu Quang Hien (Thai Nguyen – Vietnam)
Prof. Dr. Yalcin Kaya (Edirne – Turkey)
Prof. Dr. Yukihiro Sogimoto (Kobe – Japan)
Prof. Dr. Zichau Li (Beijing – China)
Dr. Giuseppe Sortino (Palermo – Italy)
Dr. Nicola Galluzzo (Rieti – Italy)
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Wagner (Vienna – Austria)
Executive Editor
Estel Dimitrova