Supplements Volume 24
Supplement 2
Accuracy of ac and at methods in milk recording in the Balkan Goats breed in Macedonia
Pacinovski, N., V. Dzabirski, G. Dimov, K. Porcu, G. Cilev, E. Eftimova, N. Nikolova, N. Mateva, B. Palasevski, G. Trajkovski and A. Palasevska
Relationships between soil water repellency, physical and chemical properties in hydrophobic technogenic soils from the region of Maritsa-Iztok Coal Mine in Bulgaria
Atanassova, I., M. Banov, T. Shishkov, Z. Petkova, B. Hristov, P. Ivanov, E. Markov, I. Kirilov and M Harizanova
Geochemical associations in technogenic soils (technosols) of contrasting hydrological characteristics from the region of Maritsa-Iztok Coal Mine in Bulgaria
Atanassova I., M. Benkova, M. Banov, T. Simeonova, L. Nenova and M. Harizanova
Effect of Baykal EM-1 on growth development and microbiological status of suckling pigs
Ivanova, S., A. Dimitrova, T. Nikolova, S. Yordanov, R. Nedeva and K. Mateeva
Оptimum regional irrigation requirements under changing climate in Bulgaria
Popova Z, I. Vurlev, M. Ivanova and E. Dimitrov
Chemical and technological characteristic of plum cultivars of Prunus domestica L.
Dimkova S., D. Ivanova, B. Stefanova, N. Marinova and S. Todorova
Colour parameters of fresh and dried plum fruit of cultivar ‘Tegera’, after application of some conventional and organic fertilizers
Hristova D., D. Georgiev, B. Brashlyanova and P. Ivanova
Comparative study on age of conception of buffalo heifers in different farming systems
Ilieva Y., V. Planski, K. Hristov and P. Penchev
Early forecasting corn yield using ground truth data and vegetation health indices in Bulgaria
Kogan F., Z. Popova, R. Singh and P. Alexandrova
Effect of the hybridization on the green mass productivity in milky-wax stage of sorghum x sudangrass hybrids++
Enchev S., K. Slanev, G. Kikindonov and Tz. Kikindonov
Chemical composition and fatty acid profile of lipids in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) meat as affected by cooking methods
Ivanova A. S., M. J. Angelova-Romova, Z. Y. Petkova, G. A. Antova and T. A. Hubenova
Microbiological characteristics of biochar amended alluvial meadow soil
Petkova, G., K. Nedyalkova, A. Mikova and I. Atanassova
Sources of specific variance and heritability of free jump qualities in 2-years old horses from the East Bulgarian breed
Sabeva, I., M. Popova, Sv. Kastchiev
Reaction of Sorghum vulgare var. technicum [Körn.] In the early growth stages of development in drought and water deficiency in laboratory conditions
Marinov-Serafimov Pl., I. Golubinova and St. Enchev
Effect of mineral and organic fertilization on the produc tion of Stevia (Stevia rebauduana B.)
Enchev S., A. Mehmed, G. Kikidonov
Self-seeding of subterranean clover in degraded birdsfoot trefoil seed production stands
Vasileva V. and S. Enchev
The effect of growth rate in pure-bred and cross-bred boars on their semen characteristics
Szostak B., Ł. Przykaza аnd A. Apostolov