Archive Volume 23

Number 1

Agricultural Economics

Sustainability level of Bulgarian farms

Bachev, H.

Received December, 17, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

The Common Agricultural Policy and employment opportunities in Romanian rural areas: the role of agritourism

Galluzzo, N.

Received January, 9, 2017; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Fruits value chain and distribution channels in Kosovo

Gjokaj, E., K. Halimi, V. Xhabali, D. Imami and M. Gjonbalaj

Received September, 1, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Between local and global: A geographical analysis of Italian agro-food system of innovation

Ferrara, G.

Received October, 6, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Drivers of production and efficiency of onion cultivation in Bangladesh

Anik, A. R., Md. A. Salam and S. Rahman

Received January, 2, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

A survey on traditional cheese production and diversity in Kosovo

Bytyqi, H., K. Berisha, A. Hamidi, D. Sylejmani and M. Thaqi

Received September, 11, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Agricultural Extension

The effects of job training on farm incomes: the case of the Kentucky tobacco in Benevento area

Coppola, A. and S. Ianuario

Received October, 18 , 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Plant Science

Potential of chilli varieties under chemical and organic agricultural systems in Thailand

Benchasri, S. and S. Simla

Received June, 28, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Some physiological parameters in mixtures of cocksfoot and tall fescue with subterranean clover

Vasileva, V. and A. Ilieva

Received February, 19, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Comparison of Water Pillow and drip irrigation systems for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) production under greenhouse conditions in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey

Altunlu, H., Y. Ayranci and S. Gercek

Received February, 17, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Walnut propagation using a hot water installation and growing the obtained plants in containers

Gandev, S.

Received October, 7, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Lactic acid bacteria and enzyme production in silage of guinea grass (Panicum maximum)

Wichai, S. and K. Soytong

Received June, 16, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Plant Genetics

Correlation between the ranking of winter wheat genotypes by grain yield and stability through various statistical approaches

Gubatov, T., N. Tsenov and I. Yanchev

Received December, 30, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2 017

Plant Pathology and Protection

Study of tolerance to tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato genotypes with anthocyanins content

Dikova, B., E. Balacheva and B. Atanassova

Received February, 17, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

New Lithuanian potato varieties and their resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary

Asakaviciute, R., A. Kacergius and A. Razukas

Received January, 25, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Ecology, Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Role of coenotic relations in the formation of plant communities (on the example of the lower layers of forests of the north-east of Ukraine).

Kovalenko, I. M.

Received April, 18, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

The effect of different types of organic fertilizers on growth and yield of Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench (okra).

Khandaker, M. M., N. Jusoh, N. H. Al A. Ralmi and S. Z. Ismail

Received December, 26, 2015; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Comparative reclamation effi ciency of gypsum and sulfur for improvement of salt affected.

Ahmed, K., G. Qadir, A.-R. Jami, A. I. Saqib, M. Q. Nawaz, M. A. Kamal and Ehsan-Ul-Haq

Received April, 26, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Animal Genetics

Mucin2 gene expression in the chicken intestinal goblet cells are affected by dietary essential oils

Zeinali, S., S. Ghazanfari and M. A. Ebrahimi

Received November, 23, 2015; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Veterinary Science

Study on the seasonal dynamics of lungworm infections in small ruminants slaughtered in Tiaret (Algeria)

Kouidri, M., S. S. M. Selles, A. Boulkaboul, C. Khellil, H. Belcacem and Z. Nouar

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Reproductive process in Bulgarian trout farms in relation to the prevention of M74 syndrome

Atanasov, V., Y. Staykov, M. Tzanova, E. Valkova, B. Krastev and Zh. Dimitrov

Received December, 19, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Effect of stocking density on growth performance, feed conversion and fish production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), cultivated in raceways

Stoyanova, St. N. and Y. S. Staykov

Received May, 30, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Food Science

Case study of staphylococcal enterotoxin poisoning after consumption of ready-to-eat roasted chicken products

Ivanova, T. N., E. M. Gyurova and H. Y. Daskalov

Received November, 7, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Multifactorial modeling of the flux during ultrafiltration of strawberry extract

Dushkova, M., A. Dinchev, K. Mihalev, M. Miteva-Petrova and S. Petrov

Received November, 9, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Agricultural Engineering

New solution – refrigerators for fruits and vegetables with elastic wall protection

Aleksandrov, Y.

Received July, 8, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Number 2

Agricultural Economics

Competitiveness in global agri-food trade: The case of peanuts

Jambor, A. and A. Gibba

Received December, 13, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Economics of dual-purpose dairy cattle under various milk pricing systems

Michaličkova, M., Z. Krupova and E. Krupa

Received October, 13, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

An integrated hydro-economic modeling to evaluate marketing reform policies of agricultural products

Darani, H. R., M. Kohansal, M. R. Ghorbani and M. Saboohi

Received October, 16, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Economic assessment of technical maintenance in grain production of Ukrainian agriculture

Vasylieva, N. and A. Pugach

Received October, 31, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Plant Science

Mineral composition of forage crops in respect to dairy cow nutrition

Marijanušić, K., M. Manojlović, D. Bogdanović, R. Čabilovski and P. Lombnaes

Received November, 22, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Effects of zinc foliar nutrition on ‘Gala’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh) fruit quality

Gianguzzi, G., G. Liguori, G. Sortino, G. Piva and V. Farina

Received February, 22, 2017 ; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Allelopathic activity of some parasitic weeds

Marinov-Serafimov, Pl., I. Golubinova, Sht. Kalinova, M. Yanev and A. Ilieva

Received February, 13, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Ecological and faunistic arthropods complexes of mustard agrobiocenoses in Lower Volga region

Ivantsova, E. A., N. V. Tyutyuma, N. V. Onistratenko and A. V. Kholodenko

Received July, 27, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Approach grafting of durian seedling with variation of multiple rootstock

Yuniastuti, E., B. A. Annisa, Nandariyah and Sukaya

Received August, 9, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Ecology, Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Gully and rill erosion in the National park „Central Balkan”

Malinov, I. and D. Ilieva

Received December, 7, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

The relation between exotic mammals and birds and agriculture productions in Italy: modern containment strategies

Sicuro, B., E. Valle, P. Costa, P. Mussa and M. Tarantola

Received August, 28, 2016; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Influence of copper and Fusarium Culmorum on metal solubility and wheat uptake in Alluvial-meadow soil

Atanassova, I., Tz. Vatchev, E. Atanassova, Z. Petkova, L. Nenova and Ts. Simeonova

Received November, 25, 2016; accepted for printing March,10, 2017

Lettuce response to nitrogen fertilizers and root mycorrhization

Mitova, I., L. Nenova, I. Stancheva, M. Geneva, M. Hristozkova and J. Mincheva

Received June, 29, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Assessment chemical properties of soil in intercropping using ANN and ANFIS models

Dahmardeh, M., B. Keshtegar and J. Piri

Received October, 16, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Suppressive potential of some perennial grasses on the growth and development of Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Vladimirov, V., M. Valkova, S. Maneva and S. Milanova

Received July, 3, 2016; accepted for printing March, 2, 2017

Animal Science

Comparison of the rumen degradability and intestinal digestibility of DM and CP of dried distillers’ by-products from Bulgarian distillery companies

Nedelkov, K., N. Todorov, D. Girginov, M. Simeonov and S. Ribarski

Received January, 9, 2017; accepted for printing January, 13, 2017

Ethological study of free-range hens with Zinc and vitamin C supplemented diet

Bozakova, N., V. Gerzilov and L. Sotirov

Received January, 29, 2017; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

The use of vitamin-mineral preparation in the feeding of sows for reproduction level

Perevozchikov, A., S. Batanov and N. Atnabaeva

Received May, 8, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Changes in the expression of the aromatase and superovulatory response in mice treated with the feed additive Provit E10% Super

Mladenova, V., D. Abadjieva, A. Shumkis, A. Shimkine and E. Kistanova

Received November, 7, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Vascular-platelet interaction in pregnant cows

Medvedev, I. N.

Received May, 9, 2016; accepted for printing March, 2, 2017

Veterinary Science

The effect of vitamin H in aseptic laminitis prevention and its impact on blood indicators in dairy cows

Mazreku, N., D. Sylejmani, A. Hamidi and A. Robaj

Received December, 22, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Food Science and technologies

Comparative study on the possibilities of incorporating olive oil and natural fennel extract in fermented milks

Ivanova, M., G. Kostov, T. Balabanova, R. Vlaseva, G. Uzunova and M. Poirieux

Received November, 25, 2016; accepted for printing January, 9, 2017

Investigation of process characteristics during diafiltration of ultrafiltration whey retentate from kashkaval production

Dushkova, M., S. Kozludzhova, K. Dinkov, M. Miteva-Petrova, S. Petrov and N. Menkov

Received March, 2, 2017; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Effects of capsule materials on the textural and sensory characteristics of Kashar cheese ripened with encapsulated lipase and protease

Akin, M. S. and M. B. Guler-Akın

Received April, 15, 2016; accepted for printing Januar y, 9, 2017

Improvement of texture profi le attributes of cooked sausage type “krenvirsh”

Chorbadzhiev, P., G. Zsivanovits, D. Gradinarska, K. Danov and K. Valkova-Jorgova

Received June, 27, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Agricultural Engineering

Effect of moisture content, clearance and machine type on some qualitative characteristics of rice (Tarm Hashemi) cultivar

Alwan-Alsharifi, S. K., A. Arabhosseini, M. H. Kianmehr and A. M. Kerani

Received May, 15, 2016; accepted for printing March, 2, 2017

Number 3

Agricultural Economics

Costs-benefits analysis of a small-scale biogas plant and electric energy production

Salerno, M., F. Gallucci, L. Pari, I. Zambon, D. Sarri and A. Colantoni

Received February, 6, 2017; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Are agricultural subsidies efficient tool for agricultural sector of the Republic of Macedonia?

Trendov, N. M., O. Kehinde and P. Mile

Received October, 3, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Effects of the regional concentration of Bulgarian apiculture

Aleksiev, G., N. Kostadinova and N. Petrova

Received July, 11, 2016; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

The effect of farm size on profitability of laying poultry farms in Kosovo

Ymeri, P., F. Sahiti, A. Musliu, F. Shaqiri and M. Pllana

Received February, 21, 2017; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Plant Science

Plants adaptation to drought environment

Al-Tawaha, A. R., M. A. Turk, Y. M. Abu-Zaitoon, S. H. Aladaileh, I. M. Al-Rawashdeh, S. Alnaimat, A. R. M. Al-Tawaha, M. H. Alu’datt and M. Wedyan

Received December, 26, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Phenolic composition of Vranec grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on different rootstock

Nedelkovski, D., J. Cvetković, K. Beleski and H. Poposka

Received March, 17, 2017; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Effects of naphthalene acetic acid and gibberellic acid on plant physiological characteristics of wax apple (var. Jambu madu)

Khandaker, M. M., I. Awang and S. Z. Ismail

Received December, 25, 2015; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Plant Genetics

Development of ISSR markers for a Bulgarian Tomato Breeding Collection aiming to improve antioxidant compounds in fruits

Angelov, M., B. Ivanova, A. Pavlov, D. Ganeva, Zh. P. Danailov and B. M. Bojinov

Received December, 23, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Ecology, Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Uncertainties of apparent thermal diffusivity of alluvial-meadow soil estimated by different numeric methods

Doneva, K. and M. Kercheva

Received December, 12, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Enhancing nutrients use efficiency and grain yield of Zea mays L. cultivated on a tropical acid soil using paddy husk compost and clinoptilolite zeolite

Latifah, O., O. H. Ahmed and N. M. A. Majid

Received February, 12, 2017; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Carbon sequestration in water-stable aggregates under biochar and biochar with nitrogen fertilization

Šimanský, V., J. Horák, P. Kováčik and D. Bajčan

Received June, 13, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Comparison of several arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) symbiotic asso-ciations in heavy metal polluted soil

Hristozkova, M., I. Stancheva, M. Geneva and M. Boychinova

Received October, 19, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

The assessment of soil quality at paddy fields in Merauke, Indonesia

Supriyadi, S., P. Purwanto, A. Sarijan, Y. Mekiuw, R. Ustiatik and R. R. Prahesti

Received December, 29, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Nitrogen removal assessment in omitted plot trials with wheat and barley

Valeva, N. and Y. Stamenov

Received December, 14, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Animal Science

Seed germination test as a potential pregnancy diagnosis method for domestic cattle

Skálová; I., T. Fedorova and E. Baranyiová

Received March, 1, 2017; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

In situ rumen degradability and intestinal digestibility of two different types of rapeseed meal

Nedelkov, K., N. Todorov, M. Simeonov, D. Girginov and G. Ganchev

Received April, 8, 2017; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Linear type traits for feet and legs, their relation to health traits connected with them, and with productive and reproductive traits in dairy cows

Penev, T., I. Marinov, Zh. Gergovska, J. Mitev, Tch. Miteva, D. Dimov and R. Binev

Received March, 16, 2017; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Nutrient digestibility determination of Cassava, Leucaena, Stylosanthes, Moringa and Trichanthera leaf meals in chickens

Hien, T. Q., T. T. Hoan, M. A. Khoa, T. T.Kien, P. T.Huong and H. T. H.Nhung

Received April, 3, 2017; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Analysis of changes in the quality characteristics of growing-finishing pigs of commercial production, raised in Eastern Bulgaria

Nakev, J. and T. Nikolova

Received November, 7, 2016; accepted for printing March, 10, 2017

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Temporal influence of spawning on serum biochemical parameters in brown trout Salmo trutta (Teleostei: Salmoni-dae)

Suljević, D., A. Alijagić and E. Islamagić

Received November, 5, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Agricultural Engineering

Choosing classifier for weed identification in sugarcane fields through images taken by UAV

Yano, I. H., W. E. Santiago, J. R. Alves, L. T. M. Mota and B. Teruel

Received April, 4, 2017; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

New solution – refrigerators for fruits and vegetables that use solar energy to achieve positive temperatures

Aleksandrov, Y.

Received July, 8, 2016; accepted for printing May, 3, 2017

Agricultural Extension

The knowledge transfer in the agricultural sector in South-Central region of Bulgaria

Dirimanova, V. and T. Radev

Received November, 30, 2016; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Behaviours of consumers on EU Eco-label: a case study for Romanian consumers

Gökirmaklı, Ç., M. Bayram and E. Tigan

Received July, 31, 2016; accepted for printing May, 2, 2017

Number 4

Agricultural Economics

Agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria – economic, social andecological aspects Smith

Bachev, H., B. Ivanov, D. Toteva and E. Sokolova

Received June, 2, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

An analysis of agricultural development and emigration in Romania using the Self Organizing Maps

Galluzzo, N.

Received May, 16, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Management of inter-farm use of agricultural machinery based of the logistical system “BOA”

Velychko, O. and L. Velychko

Received December, 29, 2016; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Economic analysis and management of bread waste from producers: results of a survey conducted in Sicily (Italy)

Lanfranchi, M., C. Giannetto and V. Dimitrova

Received June, 20, 2017; accepted for printing June, 21, 2017

Effect of social factors in stochastic frontier profit of organic rice farming in Boyolali

Sudrajat, I. S., E. S. Rahayu, Kusnandar and Supriyadi

Received February, 25, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Plant Science

Influence of rootstocks on mineral composition of apple cultivar Granny Smith

Gjamovski, V., J. Cvetković, T. Stafilov and K. B. Andonovska

Received March, 17, 2017; accepted for printing May, 17, 2017

Answering of cultivars from coriander to different spaces as the presence and absence of thinning

Crispim, J. F., J. S. S. Lima, L. I. F. De Andrade, P. C. A. Linhares and J. A. De M. Araùjo

Received May, 27, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Agrobacterium rhizogenes – mediated hairy root induction in garlic

Moradi, F., M. Z. Mehrjerdi and K. Vahdati

Received April, 23, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Plant Genetics

The estimation of new cotton lines obtained with participation of introgressive form

Egamberdieva, S. A.

Received May, 19, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Application of the independent subjective evaluation method of the hybrid material in the breeding of sesame (Sesamum indicum L)

Stamatov, S., St. Ishpekov, M. Deshev and R. Zajakov

Received December, 1, 2016; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Plant Pathology and Protection

New data of Bulgarian parasitoid entomofauna and contributions to host-parasitoid interactions

Velcheva, N., A. Atanassov and Zh. Ilieva

Received February, 3, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

First report of root and lower stem rot caused by Drechslera sorokiniana on einkorn in Bulgaria

Yanashkov, I. T. and T. D. Vatchev

Received June, 1, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Agrochemistry and Soil Science

The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza and organic manure on soybean growth and nutrient content in Indonesia

Samanhudi, S., A. Yunus, B. Pujiasmanto, V. R. Cahyani and D. S. Lestariana

Received April, 4, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Phosphorus and potassium removal assessment in omitted plot trials with wheat and barley

Stamenov, Y. and N. Valeva

Received December, 14, 2016; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Animal Science

Comparative study on morphological qualities of eggs from new autosexing layer hybrids for free range poultry farming system

Kaliasheva, K., M. Oblakova, P. Hristakieva, N. Mincheva and M. Lalev

Received November, 17, 2016; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

The effect of some leaf meal kinds as a supplement in the basal diet on Luong Phuong broiler performance

Hien, T. Q; T. T. Hoan, M. A. Khoa, T. T.. Kien and T. Q. Trung

Received June, 1, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Feeding Artemisia sieberi, coriander and clove essential oils alters muscle lipid oxidation in broiler chicken

Rahiminiat, F., S. Ghazanfari, Z. Mohammadi and S. D. Sharifi

Received November, 6, 2016; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Ecological implications of phytase added to normal and deficient available phosphorus diets of laying hens measured by N and P excretion

Kamberi, M., S. Muji, A. Kryeziu, R. Kastrati and N. Mestani

Received March, 24, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Determining effect of straw and inoculant addition on silage quality of sugar beet leaves silage

Alhan, R. and A. Can

Received April, 11, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Changes in pre and post puberty levels of progesterone, estradiol and ghrelin in gilts

Marchev, Y., M. Chervenkov, V. Mladenova, D. Abadjieva and E. Kistanova

Received December, 12, 2016; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

The accuracy of A4 and AC methods for determining lactation in control day in threefold milking of Awassi breed of sheep

Pacinovski, N., V. Dzabirski, G. Dimov, K. Porcu and G. Cilev

Received January, 30, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Food Science and Technologies

Structural, thermal and rheological properties of nixtamalized maize masa obtained from varying the concentration of calcium hydroxide and cooking time

Villa, G. A., R. S. Rosiles; R. R. Villalobos; F. R. Gonzalez, J. de D. F. Cardenas and J. A. M. Albores

Received May, 13, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Investigation on the use of hemp flour in cookie production

Lukin, A. and K. Bitiutskikh

Received March, 3, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Agricultural Engineering

Concept of low cost computerized measuring system for microclimate parameters of greenhouses

Laktionov, I., O. Vovna and A. Zori

Received September, 30, 2016; accepted for printing July, 7, 2017

Correlation between gas and liquid permeability with noise reduction coefficient in insulation boards made from sugar cane bagasse

Taghiyari, H. R., A. Elyasi, K. Doost-Hoseini and Reza Hosseinpourpia

Agricultural Technologies

Moisture sorption thermodynamic properties of Bermuda grass

Al-Mahasneh, M., M. I. Al-Wdyan, T. Rababah and M. Alu’datt

Received January, 30, 2017; accepted for printing June, 7, 2017

Number 5

Agricultural Economics

The impact of agriculural foreign aid on agriculture in Nigeria

Verter, N.

Received August, 1, 2017; accepted for printing September, 15, 2017

The impact of the common agricultural policy on the agritourism growth in Italy

Galluzzo, N.

Received July, 10, 2017; accepted for printing September, 15, 2017

Challenges at competitive and sustainable development of the vine and wine sector and the production of beer in Bulgaria

Toteva, D.

Received March, 6, 2017; accepted for printing August, 10, 2017

Efficiency of intermediary activity of agricultural enterprises: methods and assessment indicators

Hurmak N. and V. Yakubiv

Received May, 5, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Agricultural Management

The supply chain of Brazilian maize: application of a partial equilibrium model

Lopes, B. F. R. and A. L. R. de Oliveira

Received July, 25, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

The relationship between municipalities and rural areas in the fruits’ circuit region, state of São Paulo, Brazil

De Souza-Esquerdo, V. F. and S. M. P. P. Bergamasco

Received August, 16, 2017; accepted for printing September, 15, 2017

Plant Science

Comparative study on czech cultivars of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) in the conditions of the central northern Bulgaria

Mihovsky Ts. and G. Naydenova

Received March, 24, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

Adaptability of chickpea collection samples in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia

Kazydub, N., S. Kuzmina and E. Chernenko

Received May, 30, 2017; accepted for printing June, 9, 2017

The effect of phosphorus solubilising bacteria on spring and autumn chickpea yield and yield components under supplemental irrigation condition

Edalatjo, R., M. M. Heydari and A. Maleki

Received June, 23, 2016; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Plant Pathology and Protection

Effect of salinity on recovery of Rhizoctonia solani from infected tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill)

Al-Hammouri, A. A., J. Ibbini, E. Bsoul and S. Sanogo

Received April, 9, 2017; accepted for printing September, 15, 2017

Developing weeds of agricultural crops at different levels of heights, in taif area of Saudia Arabia

Abdullah, M. A., H. Al- Yasee, Y. Al- Sudani and M. M. Khandaker

Received June, 2, 2017; accepted for printing September, 11, 2017

Weed communities and their effect on productivity of bread spring wheat in dry steppe of Western Kazakhstan

Kaplin, V. and G. Urakchintseva

Received July, 2, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Suitability of Corcyra cephalonica eggs parasitized with Trichogramma japonicum as intermediate host against sugarcane borer Chilo auricilius

Subandi, M., Y. Setiati and N. H. Mutmainah

Received May, 21, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Organic carbon stock in pasture landscapes on the territory of the Central Balkan National Park

Karatoteva, D. and L. Malinova

Received August, 30, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Detection of salt tolerant hybrid maize as germination indices and seedling growth performance

Bagum, S. A., M. Billah, N. Hossain, S. Aktar and M. S. Uddin

Received July, 7, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Production of fertilized lettuce with roostertree in different amounts and incorporation times

Paula, V. F. S., J. S. S. Lima, F. Bezerra Neto, Y. T. D. F. Fernandes, A. P. Chaves, J. N. Silva and P. C. A. Linhares

Received June, 30, 2017; accepted for printing August, 11, 2017

Abiotic factors and their impact on growth characteristics of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

Mitova, I., L. Nenova and N. Shaban

Received April, 12, 2017; accepted for printing September, 15, 2017

Dry mass yield and amount of fixed nitrogen in some forage legume crops after treatment with organic fertilizer Humustim

Vasileva, V., T. Kertikov and A. Ilieva

Received June, 6, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Effect of fertilization, growing scheme and variety on economic productivity in biological tomato production

Boteva, H. and P. Yankova

Received March, 3, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017


Net farm income as reflection of critical land evaluation in welang watershed, Indonesia

Maroeto, W. A. Suntoro, S. Djoko and P. Rossyda

Received May, 27, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Ecological aspects of phytosanitary optimization of arid agrobiocenoses of the south of Russia

Ivantsova, E. A., V. V. Novochadov; N. V. Onistratenko and M. V. Postnova

Received May, 4, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Animal Genetics

Polymorphisms in obesity-related leptin gene and its association with reproductive traits of sows

Getmantseva, L., A. Kolosov, M. Leonova, S. Bakoev, A. Klimenko, A. Usatov, A. Radyuk, V. Vaselenko, M. Makarenko and N. Bakoev

Received May, 16, 2017; accepted for printing September, 12, 2017

Food Science and Technologies

Effect of processing and storage at different temperatures on the physicochemical and minerals content of sesame seeds and tehina

Rababah, T., M. Al-U‘datt, M. Al-Mahasneh, A. Odeh, T. Ajouli and H. Feng

Received June, 4, 2017; accepted for printing September, 13, 2017

Quality and nutritional value of pasta products with added ground chia seeds

Naumova, N., A. Lukin, and V. Erlikh

Received March, 3, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Chemical characterization of olive pomace in the northern region of Jordan

Wedyan, M., B. A. Hanieh, A. Al Harasheh and A. R. Al-Tawaha

Received May, 22, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Agricultural Engineering

Simulation modeling of oleaginous rose harvesting implement

Bozhkov, S., S. Stanchev and T. Gyorina

Received March, 24, 2017; accepted for printing September, 12, 2017

Modelling of the soil-two dimensional shearing tine interaction

Amantayev, M., G. Gaifullin and S. Nukeshev

Received March, 10, 2017; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Number 6

Agricultural Management

Identification of freight patterns via association rules: the case of agricultural grains

Moreira, C. E. S., A. L. R. de Oliveira, S. R. de M. Oliveira and A. Yamakami

Received September, 8, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Challenging constraints of livelihoods for farmers in the South Sumatra Peatlands, Indonesia

Wildayana, E.

Received August, 24, 2017; accepted for printing October, 23, 2017

Effect of climatic change and variability on groundnut (Arachis hypogea, L.) Production in Nigeria

Ezihe, J. A. C., I. K. Agbugba and C. Idang

Received April, 14, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Agricultural Economics

Opportunities for expanding the application of environmental management and audit scheme in Bulgaria

Miteva, A.

Received October, 3, 2017; accepted for printing October, 31, 2017

Impacts of credits on agricultural mechanization and development in Urmia County

Marandi, L. T. and L. Rashidpour

Received February, 17, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Plant Science

Bioactive compounds and morphology in Opuntia spp. fruits from Portuguese ecotypes

Reis, C. M. G., C. Gouveia, M. C. Vitorino, L. C. Gazarini, M. M. Ribeiro and F. Peres

Received September, 27, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Postharvest quality and sensory attributes of ‘Pesca di Bivona’ peaches (Prunus persica L.) during storage

Sortino, G., A. Allegra, V. Farina and P. Inglese

Received September, 25, 2017; accepted for printing November, 13, 2017

Biometrical indicators of fresh fruits of Bulgarian and introduced plum cultivars of Prunus domestica L.

Dimkova, S., D. Ivanova, S. Todorova and N. Marinova

Received March, 16, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Effects of organic additives and naphthalene acetid acid (NAA) application on the in vitro growth of Black orchid hybrid (Coelogyne pandurate Lindley)

Hartati, S., R. B. Arniputri, L. A. Soliah and O. Cahyono

Received September, 19, 2017; accepted for printing October, 23, 2017

Comparative content of biologically active substances in apple fruits of different geographical origin

Kulikov, I. M., A. A. Borisova, S. M. Motyleva and M. E. Mertvishcheva

Received January, 5, 2017; accepted for printing October, 31, 2017

Effect of climatic factors on the sustainability of different varieties of mulberry grown in the Valley of Sofia

Nikolova, Ts. and I. Jekova

Received December, 22, 2016; accepted for printing September, 14, 2017

Plant Genetics

Hybridological analysis of inheritance the content of nicotine and sugars in Burley and Virginia tobacco crosses

Dyulgerski, Y. and M. Docheva

Received September, 11, 2017; accepted for printing October, 23, 2017

Plant Pathology and Protection

Assessing the cocoa genotypes for resistance to black pod using the area under the disease-progress curve (AUDPC)

Ling, A. S. C., M. J. A. Kamil, K. P. Chong and C. M. Ho

Received June, 28, 2017; accepted for printing October, 25, 2017

Efficacy of reducing lintour doses and biocontrol components for an effective weeds control in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Zargar, M., E. N. Pakina, V. G. Plushikov, V. Vvedenskiy and M. Bayat

Received August, 5, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Biodegradation of phenol, catechol and 2, 4-dichlorophenol at higher initial inhibitory concentrations by Trametes versicolor 1 in a “fed-batch” process

Stoilova, I., G. Dimitrova, G. Angelova and A. Krastanov

Received May, 19, 2017; accepted for printing October, 31, 2017

The effect of manure and mycorrhiza application to the soil microbes biodiversity in terms of increasing soybean yield in marginal land in Indonesia

Samanhudi, B. Pujiasmanto, A. Yunus, Supyani, Suntoro, H. Widijanto and S. M. Prabowo

Received July, 6, 2017; accepted for printing November, 8, 2017


The molecular composition of dissolved free amino acids in rainwater

Wedyan, M., E. Qnais, Y. Ismail and A.R. Al Tawaha

Received October, 2, 2017; accepted for printing November, 16, 2017

Accumulation of microelements in technogenic ecosystems from the vicinity of the “Medet” opencast mine

Tsolova, V. and M. Banov

Received April, 20, 2017; accepted for printing October, 27, 2017

Joint cost allocation of cheese-making wastes bioconversions into ethanol and organic liquid fertilizer

Utama, G. L., T. B. A. Kurnani, Sunardi, M. F. Cahyandito and R. L. Balia

Received June, 30, 2017; accepted for printing November, 15, 2017

Animal Science

Opportunity to use Montbeliard breed in Bulgaria

Karamfilov, S. and V. Nikolov

Received October, 5, 2017; accepted for printing October, 30, 2017

Growth and development of the silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) C301 with heat shock treatments

Tanjung, M., M. C. Tobing, D. Bakti and S. Ilyas

Received April, 22, 2017; accepted for printing November, 1, 2017

Veterinary Science

Frequency and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacterial isolates from caseous lymphadenitis in sheep in Kosovo

Robaj, A., A. Hamidi, H. Bytyqi and D. Sylejmani

Received June, 16, 2016; accepted for printing October, 20, 2017

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Principal component analysis of the phytoplankton interactions with the environmental factors in two reservoirs in Bulgaria

Dochin, K., V. Kuneva and I. Iliev

Received February, 8, 2017; accepted for printing October, 19, 2017

Food Science and Technologies

Effect of animal breed, season and milk production scale on somatic cell count and composition of cow milk

Ivanov, G. Y., E. Bilgucu, T. B. Balabanova, I. V. Ivanova and A. Uzatici

Received September, 3, 2017; accepted for printing November, 16, 2017