Supplements Volume 21

Supplement 1

Technologies and Methods in Aquaculture

Effects of Stocking Earthen Ponds with Pike Perch (Sander lucioperca (L.)) Fingerlings Reared in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems – Effects of Fish Size and the Presence of Predators

Zakęś, Z., M. Szczepkowski, B. Szczepkowska, A. Kowalska, A. Kapusta, S. Jarmołowicz, I. Piotrowska, M. Kozłowski, K. Partyka, K. Wunderlich and M. Hopko

Tag Retention, Growth Rate, and Survival of Juvenile Pike Tagged with Visible Implant Elastomer and Coded Wire Tags

Szczepkowski, M., Z. Zakęś, B. Szczepkowska, I. Piotrowska M. Kozłowski, K. Wunderlich and A. Kapusta

Weaning of Juvenile Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) from Live Food to Artificial Diet

Hubenova, T., A. Zaikov, E. Katsarov and D. Terziyski

Warm-Water Fish Farming after Soil Remediation

Ćirković, M., B. Kartalović, D. Ljubojević, M. Pelić, M. Živkov Baloš, V. Đorđević and N. Novakov

Sorption Characteristics of Extruded Feed for Carp Stocking Material

Toshkov, N., M. Dushkova and A. Simitchiev

Sustainable Development of the Water Ecosystems

Microbial Status of Dospat Dam Lake, Bulgaria

Iliev, I., S. Kostadinova, M. Marhova, T. Hubenova and A. Zaikov

Impact of Fish Resources Management Activities on the Fish Community Structure in the Dospat Reservoir (Bulgaria)

Uzunova, E., T. Hubenova and M. Georgieva

Impact of the Fish Cage Aquaculture on the Zooplankton Community in „Kardzhali“ Dam Lake, Bulgaria

Terziyski, D., V. Tzavkova, R. Kalchev and I. Iliev

Inland Aquaculture Development in the Natura 2000 Sites in Bulgaria: Ecological Approach and Aqua-Environmental Measures

Uzunova, E., E. Radeva and R. Tzonev

Conservation Status of Native Species in Natural Lakes of Drim System (Prespa, Ohrid and Skadarlake) and Dangers of Commercial Fishing

Milošević, D. and T. Talevski

Qualitative Composition of Macrophyte Vegetation and Cyprinid Fauna from Lake Ohrid

Talevska, M. and T. Talevski

Assessment of Ecological Conditions in Two Water Basins in the Region of Galabovo (South Bulgaria) on the Basis of Developmental Stability of Carassius gibelio (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

Zhelev, Z., P. Boyadzhiev and N. Mehterov

Eutrophication of Varna Bay and Coastal Waters

Klisarova, D. and D. Gerdzhikov

Phytoplankton Taxonomy in the Bulgarian Coastal Waters (2008–2010)

Petrova, D. and D. Gerdzhikov

Comparative Study of Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) Populations Inhabiting Black Sea and North-West European Water Basins as Revealed by Variability in Cytochrome B Gene

Tserkova, F., I. Kirilova, T. Tcholakova, M. Gevezova-Kazakova, D. Klisarova, J. Johannesen and I. Denev

Biological and Radioecological Studies of Some Benthic Organisms and Sediments in the Coastal Zone along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast

Petrova, E., S. Stoykov, D. Staneva, L. Misheva and I. Yordanova

The System of the Beloslav and the Varna Lakes: An Evolving Water Environment

Dineva, S.

Reliable Seawater Resources: A Factor for Development of the Growing Varna Region

Dineva, S.

Trophic State and Macrophyte Based Assessment of the Ecological Status of Selected Reservoirs in Bulgaria

Traykov, I. and A. Tosheva

Relationships between Trophic State and Physicochemical Variables of Some Standing Waterbodies on the Territory of East-Aegean River Basin Directorate, Bulgaria

Traykov, I. and M. Vladimirova

Study of Phytoplankton Diversity and Hydrochemical Regime of Bistrica Dam Lake

Dochin, K. and A. Ivanova

Application of Natural Zeolites and Macrophytes for Water Treatmentin Recirculation Aquaculture Systems

Sirakov, I., K. Velichkova, S. Stoyanova, D. Dinev and Y. Staykov

Recent Changes of Zoobenthos Communities from the Reg ion Cape Kaliakra–Cape Galata (The Black Sea)

Uzunova, S.

Quality and Safety of the Fish and Fish Products

Effect of Sunflower and Linseed Oil Supplementation in the Diet on the Chemical and Fatty Acid Composition of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.), Cultivated in Recirculating System

Zhelyazkov, G., T. Popova and Y. Staykov

Effect of Substitution of Sunflower Meal with Flaxseed Meal on the Growth Performance and Chemical Composition of Meat in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)

Staykov, Y., G. Zhelyazkov and S. Stoyanova

Content of Macrominerals and Trace Elementsin the Meat of Carp Grown in Different Production Systems

Hadzhinikolova, L., G. Mihailova and A. Ivanova

Evaluation of Nutritional Quality of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Lipids through Fatty Acid Ratios and Lipid Indices

Ivanova, A. and L. Hadzhinikolova

Chemical Composition and Energy Value of Meat of Rainbow Trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) from Dospat Dam Lake Free Aquatory

Hadzhinikolova, L. and T. Hubenova

Content of Cd in Water, Sediment, Aquatic Plants and Musculature of Carp From Surface Waterbodies in Stara Zagora Region, Bulgaria

Valkova, E., V. Atanasov, K. Velichkova, G. Kostadinova and G. Petkov

Heavy Metal Content and Element Composition of Alburnoides bipunktatus Bloch in Iskar River. Bulgaria

Raikova-Petrova, G., D. Rozdina, R. Marinova, I. Petrov, E. Nikolova and S. Ilieva

Quality Evaluation of Dietary Lipid of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) from Bulgaria

Merdzhanova, A., D. Dobreva and M. Stancheva

The Presence of Lindane in Different Types of Honey in the Pannonian Region

Kartalovic, B., J. Babic, N. Prica, M. Zivkov-Balos, S. Jaksic, Z. Mihaljev and M. Cirkovic