Comparative biometric characterisation of organs in the male flower sphere in seedless grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.)

Venelin Roychev1 and Neli Keranova2
1 Agriculture University, Faculty of Horticulture with Viticulture, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2 Agriculture University, Faculty of Economics, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Roychev, V. & Keranova, N. (2024). Comparative biometric characterisation of organs in the male flower sphere in seedless grapevine varieties (Vitis vinifera L.). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 1004–1014

The influence of the location of flower buds in the inflorescence on the size variation of the male flower sphere organs – stamens, anthers and connective – was studied in 50 seedless grapevine varieties. They were found to be characterized by a large biometric diversity. In the case of vertically located flower buds on the inflorescence branches of the variants base, middle and tip, there is a high variability and statistically proven differences between different varieties. At the base of the inflorescence, they are distributed in eight generalized clusters, in the middle – in ten and towards the tip – in eight. The morphological differences found between the flower elements in the male sphere are mathematically plausible only in the individual variants, and they are not proven when comparing them as a whole. The sizes of stamens, anthers, and connective do not depend on the location of the flower buds in the inflorescence. Biometric data reflecting the parameters of these organs are representative for each variety, regardless of which part of the inflorescence the flower buds are located.

Keywords: male flower organs; comparative biometric characterization; seedless grapevine varieties

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