Influence of irrigation and fertigation on pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits

Elena Grancharova, Georgi Kostadinov, Blagoj Elenov and Emilija Elenova
Agricultural Academy, Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection “Nikola Poushkarov”, 1331 Sofia, Bulgaria


Grancharova, E., Kostadinov, G., Elenov, B. & Elenova, E. (2024). Influence of irrigation and fertigation on pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(6), 994–1003

This paper aims to present the effects of the applied regimes of fertilization and irrigation on the pomological characteristics of white strawberry fruits. A two-factor experiment was conducted during 2023 and 2024 in an unheated greenhouse in the Chelopechene experimental field, Sofia, Bulgaria with drip irrigated and fertigated strawberry cultivar (Fragaria × ananassa Snow White). The irrigation and the fertilization factors were applied in two rates: I1 – 75% (ETc) I2 – 50% (ETc), F1: optimal fertilization N8.09P12.76K15.62; F2 – suboptimal fertilization – 75% (F1). Five treatments were tested: control: I0F0:100% (ETc) without fertigation; I1F1; I1F2; I2F1; I2F2. The reduction of the fruit diameter between the highest (I1F1) and the lowest (I2F2) values was 14%. The highest mean fruit weight was obtained from I1F1 treatment – 5.39 g in 2023 and 5.02 g in 2024. The reduction of the fruit weight between the highest (I1F1) and the lowest (I2F2) values was 44%.

Keywords: white strawberry; pomological characteristics; irrigation; fertigation; Bulgaria

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