Svilena Tosheva1 and Dima Markova2
1 Agricultural Academy, Institute of Plant Genetic Resources „K. Malkov”, 4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria
2 Agricultural University, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tosheva, S. & Markova, D. (2024). Evaluation of the effect of infection with Aphelenchoides besseyi on yield elements in rice varieties and lines. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4), 603–607
The study was conducted during the period 2019-2021 under field conditions and artificial infection with Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie (rice white tip nematode). Four varieties and two lines of rice were tested. The lowest percentage of plants showing symptoms of „white tip“ is the variety CRLB 1. The variety Cameo is highly susceptible to infection with a higher number of nematodes in the seeds. Artificial infection leads to a decrease in the values of the panicle length, the total number of grains per panicle, the weight of one panicle, the weight of the grain in a panicle and the weight of 1000 grains in plants showing symptoms. In the varieties Osmanchik 97, Cameo and line №19 a larger decrease in the yield by elements was found.