Sustainable agricultural policy strategy through increasing food crop productivity in Indonesia

Hary Satrya Wanto
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, 60225 Surabaya Indonesia


Wanto, H. S. (2023). Sustainable agricultural policy strategy through increasing food crop productivity in Indonesia. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (2), 223–228

Sustainable food agriculture becomes a method that must be put in action. This effort is needed to realize food resilience domestically to boost food production surplus. This study aims to illustrate that sustainable food agriculture strategies have a major impact on the economy because of its food sources dependence on imported food that causes state income to decline. By knowing how essential sustainable agriculture is, particularly the current condition of agriculture, finding out the right strategy implemented in agriculture field becomes the main focus of discussion of this study. The methods employed in this study are reference study and analysis of macro data on Indonesian agriculture. The results of this study indicate that a sustainable agriculture strategy leads to sufficient food availability, leads to economic value of agricultural products and reduces production costs of the ongoing agricultural production process.

Keywords: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Resilience, Production Value

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