Minka Koleva1 and Kiril Sirakov2
1 Field Crops Institute, 6200 Chirpan, Bulgaria
2 University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev”, 7017 Ruse, Bulgaria
Koleva, M. & Sirakov, K. (2022). Stimulation of laboratory germination of cotton seeds stored for one and two years by electromagnetic fields. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 28 (4), 616–625
Stimulation of germination energy and laboratory germination of cotton seeds, stored for one and two years, of 5 Bulgarian cotton varieties Chirpan-539, Helius, Trakia, Natalia and IPK Nelina, by using electromagnetic fields, was studied. It was found that for all tested varieties, after both seed storage periods and for almost all pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments, germination energy and laboratory germination were higher than the corresponding controls for each variety and storage period. After one- and two-year storage of seeds, the highest germination energy and laboratory germination were found for the Helius variety and variant of treatment 1 [U = (8…5)kV and τ = (15…35)s]. Laboratory germination increased by 19.5% compared to the relevant control, and germination energy increased by 24%.