Effect of mineral and organic fertilization on the dynamics of biomass accumulation of sugar and fodder beet

Elena Dimcheva, Stanimir Enchev and Tzvetan Kikindonov
Agricultural Institute, 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria


Dimcheva, E., Enchev, S. & Kikindonov, Tz. (2021). Effect of mineral and organic fertilization on the dynamics of biomass accumulation of sugar and fodder beet. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 27 (3), 588–592

It has been studied the effect of fertilization with a complex of organic fertilizers (0.5% Arbanassy Ecosyst + 0.7% Aminobest + 1% Unistim) and mineral fertilizer NPK (30 kg/da) on the dynamics of biomass accumulation of Standard sugar beet (Diex, Peshtera) and fodder beet (Hybrid 56 and Sasha) varieties.
The period of testing (2015-2017) includes seasons with different abro-climatic conditions and vegetation duration, which allows determination of the tendencies for biomass accumulation in the comparatively favorable conditions of 2015 and the extreme droughts in 2016 and 2017.
The temp of biomass accumulation is positively affected by the organic fertilization in droughts conditions. And significantly positive is the influence of the mineral fertilization in more favorable for the crops conditions of the climate.
The sugar beet is more adoptive to water deficit during the vegetation, while the fodder beet forms react more strongly to mineral and organic fertilization.

Keywords: sugar beet; fodder beet; mineral and organic fertilization; varieties; agro-climatic conditions

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