Rangel Dragov
Agricultural Academy, Field Crops Institute, 6200 Chirpan, Bulgaria
Dragov, R. (2020). Combining ability for the grain wet gluten content in durum wheat. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 26 (5), 998–1002
To determine the gene action and nominate good combinators for the wet gluten content of grain in durum wheat, a diallel cross was performed. Five modern durum wheat varieties were included in the half diallel combination – Victoria (BG), Deni (BG), Superdur (AT), Progress (BG) and Predel (BG). The experiments were conducted in the experimental field of the Field Crops Institute in Chirpan by block method in three replications in the period 2014-2016. The necessary technological analyses were performed in laboratory conditions according to the relevant standard for measuring the wet gluten content. Statistical data processing shows that the dominance and over dominance effects have a very important role in inheritance. Both the additive (GCA) and the non-additive (SCA) gene effects have reliable significance in inheritance of the trait, with the preponderance of the non-additive ones (SCA). Significant combinators that increase the value of the trait and ones that reduce it have been nominated. Two crosses with significant SCA effects: Superdur × Progress and Progress × Predel were identified.
Keywords: durum wheat; wet gluten content; diallel cross; combining ability