Efficiency of using stimulating preparations in pre-treatment of spring barley seeds

Sergey V. Mitrofanov and Nikolay N. Novikov
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM”, 109428 Moscow, Russia


Mitrofanov, S. V.  & Novikov, N. N. (2020). Efficiency of using stimulating preparations in pre-treatment of spring barley seeds. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 26 (5), 958–965

Laboratory studies, field and laboratory tests and field tests have been conducted on gray forest soils in Ryazan oblast to study the effectiveness of humic and bacterial preparations and complex liquid micronutrients when treating spring barley seeds. The investigations results showed that all the studied preparations have some stimulating effect on the sowing qualities of seeds and production processes, especially in the early stages of organogenesis. Field germination, plant safety, general and productive tillering, accumulation of vegetative mass in tillering and earing phases are increased. Subsequently, the stimulating effect decreased and was very weakly manifested in the final phases of ontogenesis. The enhancement of the stimulating effect of mixtures of preparations on the production processes at the beginning of the growing season led to vegetative proliferation of crops and excessive reduction of generative metameres. The effectiveness of the best preparations increased when higher availability of mineral nutrition.

Keywords: complex microfertilizers; gray forest soils; humic and bacterial preparations; spring barley

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