Hybridological analysis of the size of the leaves in hybrid combinations Burley tobacco

Yovko Dyulgerski
Agricultural Academy, Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute (TTPI), 4108 Markovo, Bulgaria


Dyulgerski, Y. (2020). Hybridological analysis of the size of the leaves in hybrid combinations Burley tobacco. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 26 (1), 128–131

Studied are the inheritance, coefficient of hereditability and of the teams, the minimal number of genes and the manifestations of transgression and heterosis in terms of length and width of the leaves of mid harvesting belt in Burley tobacco. For this purpose are investigated populations P1, P2, F1 and F2 seven hybrid combinations. Data from the hybridological analysis showed that studied of us options, inheritance of length and width of leave is overdominantnly and always in the direction of the parent with the higher values ​​of the studies index. Manifestation of heterosis and transgression are relevant only on the width of the leaves. Are established very few and negligible variations in genes influencing determines the size of the leaves. Obtained low values ​​for the coefficient of heritability, which is why the selection by signs a length and width of the sheet 13 to 14 will be effective in later hybrid generations.

Keywords: Burley tobacco; size of leaves; hybridological analysis; inheritance; hereditability;  heterosis

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