Determination of factors affecting on dried beans production decisions in Turkey

Ali Berk1, Cahit Gungor2
1 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agriculture Reform, 06680, Ankara, Turkey
2 Çukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, 01330, Adana, Turkey


Berk, A. & Gungor, C. (2019). Determination of factors affecting on dried beans production decisions in Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (6), 1076–1082

In this study, it was examined the dried beans farms in 7 provinces which constitute 61% of total production of Turkey, and putting forwarded the factors affecting on socioeconomic characteristics of producers and farmers’ production decisions. In the context of those findings obtained, solution proposals for dried beans production were developed.
According to results, average farm size investigated was 132 da and 25.3 da for dried beans area as well. Average yield of dried beans farms were calculated as 244.4 kg/da.
The factors affecting on decision of farmers were founded as numbers of family member, finance, habit, age, and dried beans farming experience, family labor, and transportation and information source, respectively.

Keywords: legumes, dried beans, logit, regression, Turkey

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