Evaluation of collection of pepper (Capsicum spp.) resources for resistance to Verticillium dahliae Kleb.

Katya Vasileva, Velichka Todorova, Stojka Masheva
Agricultural Academy, Maritsa Vegetable Crop Research Institute, Plovdiv 4003, Bulgaria


Vasileva, K., Todorova, V., & Masheva, S. (2019). Evaluation of collection of pepper (Capsicum spp.) resources for resistance to Verticillium dahliae Kleb. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(5),1030–1038

In the vegetation period 2017, a study was carried out for determining the reaction of 97 peppers varieties, breeding line, local forms and local varieties to the pathogen Verticillium dahliae Kleb. The development of the disease is reported twice: in the phenophase mass flowering to the beginning of fruiting and in the phase of mass fruiting. The accessions in both the reporting period show a high degree of resistance i.e. absence of symptoms of the disease are Buketen 3, Buketen 50, Gorogled 6, IZK Rubin and IZK Kalin. All five varieties are for sweet pepper powder produce. The 12 accessions are with highly resistance (80-100%) as six of them are with this direction of growing and usage. To the group of the resistant are referenced 10 accessions with percentage of resistance between 60 to 79%, most of them are Kapia varietal type. From 97 tested varieties, local forms and local varieties, it is established that according to resistance the highly susceptible group is dominated (51%), followed by the sensitive – 16%, then the highly resistant – 12%, followed by the slightly sensitive – 11% and resistant - 10%. The data establish that the groups of highly sensitive and sensitive (from 0% to 40% resistance) are formed by accessions of all tested varietal type but included all resources from var. Blocky and var. Cordatum.

Keywords: verticillium wilt; pepper accessions; attack index; inoculum

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