Structure-time analysis and development of dairy cows machine milking models in “Herringbone” milking parlors

Kancho Peychev, Dimitar Georgiev, Galina Dineva, Vanya Dimova
Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Agricultural Engineering, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


Peychev, K.,  Georgiev, D., Dineva, G. & Dimova, V. (2019). Structure-time analysis and development of dairy cows machine milking models in “Herringbone” milking parlors. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 25 (Suppl. 3), 196–200

A real-time video monitoring of the milking process in three “Herringbone” milking parlors with capacities ranging from 2x6 to 2x10 was carried out. On the basis of the archived data the duration of all milking udder preparation operations (washing, drying and attaching of milking units) is timed. Based on the accumulated experimental information from the three monitored objects four recommended models were developed for the sequence of work in preparing animals for milking in „Herringbone“ milking parlors. Models I and II have been found to be suitable for use in „Herringbone“ milking parlors with a capacity of up to 2x6. Model III is applicable for parlors with a capacity up to 2x8 and model IV can be used in parlors with a capacity up to 2x10.

Keywords: milking parlors; machine milking; technological operations

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