Svetoslava Terzieva, Neli Grozeva, Katya Velichkova
Department of Biology and Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, Studentski grad Str., 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Terzieva, S., Grozeva, N. & Velichkova, K. (2019). Morphological studies on three Amaranthus species. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 25 (Suppl. 3), 136–140
The study examined indumentum, stomata and pollen morphology of Amaranthus deflexus L., A. hybridus L.and A. retroflexus L. from their Bulgarian populations. Mature pollen and herbarized plant parts have been observed and photographed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The indumentum of the three species is of multicellular, un-branched, uniseriate, glandular trichomes. Three types of stomata have been registered – anomocytic, paracytic and anisocytic with the latter type being the dominant one. Paracytic type were observed only in A. deflexus. Pollen grains were spheroidal, pantoporate, scrabrate, with diameter from 15.4 to 24.2μm. Among the studied three species differences in pollen morphology have been found in A. deflexus.