Grozi Delchev, Delcho Delchev
Trakia University, Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Delchev, G. & Delchev, D. (2019). Stability and selectivity of some herbicides, herbicide combinations and herbicide tank mixtures on winter forage pea (Pisum sativum L. var. arvense). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 25 (Suppl. 3), 53–58
The research was conducted during 2015 – 2017 on pellic vertisol soil type. Under investigation was Bulgarian winter forage pea cultivar Mir (Pisum sativum var. arvense). Factor A included the years of investigation. Factor B included untreated control and 2 soil-applied herbicides – Dual gold 960 EC (S-metolachlor) – 1.5 l.ha-1, Stomp aqua (pendimethalin) – 3 l.ha-1. Factor С included untreated control, 5 foliar-applied herbicides – Basagran 480 CL (bentazone) – 2 l.ha-1, Pulsar 40 (imazamox) – 1.2 l.ha-1, Korum (bentazone + imazamox) – 1.25 l.ha-1, Zencor 70 WG (metribuzine) – 500 g.ha-1, Maton 600 EK (2.4-D ethylhexyl ester) – 100 ml.ha-1 and 2 herbicide tank mixtures – Zencor 70 WG (metribuzine) – 500 g.ha-1 + Targa super 5 EC (quizalofop-P-ethyl) – 2 l.ha-1, Maton 600 EK (2.4-D ethylhexyl ester) – 100 ml.ha-1 + Targa super 5 EC (quizalofop-P-ethyl) – 2 l.ha-1. Soil herbicides were applied during the period after sowing before emergence. Foliar herbicides were applied during 2 – 3 real leaf stage of the pea. The highest yields of winter forage pea seeds are obtained by treatment with foliar-applied herbicide Korum after soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold. High yields are obtained also by treatment with foliar-applied herbicide Pulsar after soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold, as well as by foliar treatment with herbicide tank-mixture Zencor + Targa super after soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold. Herbicide Maton and herbicide tank mixture Maton + Targa super, both in separated use and in combined use with soil-applied herbicides Dual gold and Stomp aqua are the most unstable for seed yield. Combinations of foliar-applied herbicide Korum with soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold are technological the most valuable. They are followed by combinations of foliar-applied herbicide Pulsar with soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold. They combine high seed yield with high stability with relation to different years. Alone uses of soil-applied herbicides Dual gold and Stomp aqua, of foliar-applied herbicides Basagran, Pulsar, Korum and Zencor, and of herbicide tank mixture Zencor + Targa super have low estimates and do not be used. For complete control of all weeds and self-sown plants in winter forage pea crops, two herbicides should be combined – both soil-applied and foliar-applied.