Gancho Ganchev1, Velika Kuneva2, Antoniya Stoyanova1
1 Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
2 Agricultural University, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, BG 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ganchev, G., Kuneva, V. & Stoyanova, A. (2019). Nutritional and energy value of two wheat varieties. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 25 (Suppl. 3), 25, 47–52
Field experiment was conducted in the years 2014-2016 in the experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture, Trakia University, Stara Zagora. In an attempt included two varieties of common wheat – Diamond and Ingenio. Variants of the study are: 1. Control – Fertilizing with N 140 kg.ha-1; 2. Fertilizing with N 140 kg.ha-1 + Laktofol base (1.0 l/ha). 3. Fertilizing with N 140 kg.ha-1 + Wuxal Grano (400 ml/ha). 4. Fertilizing with N 140 kg.ha-1 + Wuxal Grano (400 ml/ha) + Wuxal Grano (200 ml/ha). The applied liquid fertilizers for feeding during the growing season are enriched with micro elements. The leaf fertilizers used increase the CP content but have no effect on the PDI content of both varieties. An increase in the crude protein content of variants treated with liquid fertilizers has been reported. The calculated correlation coefficient in two varieties, which measures the strength of the relationship is r = 0.909 at Diamond and r = 0.82 ie there are a strong correlation. The applied products for fertilization the crops and the variety do not effect of the nutrition value of wheat for ruminants and non-ruminants.