Impact of some herbicides, herbicide combinations and herbicide tank mixture on sowing characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Grozi Delchev, Milena Delcheva
Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


Delchev, G. & Delcheva, M. (2019). Impact of some herbicides, herbicide combinations and herbicide tank mixture on sowing characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 25 (Suppl. 3), 42–46

The research was conducted during 2016 – 2018 on pellic vertisol soil type. Under investigation was chickpea cultivar Kabule (Cicer arietinum L.). Factor A included untreated control and 4 soil-applied herbicides – Dual gold 960 EC (S-metolachlor) – 1.5 l.ha-1, Stomp aqua (pendimethalin) – 3 l.ha-1, Merlin flex 480 SC (isoxaflutole) – 420 g.ha-1 and Pelican 50 SC (diflufenikan) – 250 ml.ha-1. Factor B included untreated control, 3 foliar-applied herbicides – Pulsar 40 (imazamox) – 1.2 l.ha-1, Challenge 600 SC (aclonifen) – 4 l.ha-1 and Shadow 3 ЕC (clethodim) – 1.6 l.ha-1 and 1 herbicide tank mixture – Challenge 600 SC (aclonifen) – 4 l.ha-1 + Shadow 3 ЕC (clethodim) – 1.6 l.ha-1. Soil herbicides were applied during the period after sowing before emergence. Foliar herbicides were applied during 6 – 8 real leaf stage of the chickpea. Alone use of foliar-applied herbicide Pulsar and its combinations with soil-applied herbicides Dual gold, Stomp aqua, Merlin flex and Pelican proven decrease germination energy of the chickpea seeds. Laboratory seed germination proves decreasing by herbicide combination Pelican + Pulsar only. Length of primary germ is decreased by alone use of foliar-applied herbicide Pulsar and its combinations with soil-applied herbicides Dual gold, Stomp aqua, Merlin flex and Pelican. Length of primary root is decreased by herbicide combination Pelican + Pulsar only. Herbicide combination Pelican + Pulsar proven increases waste grain quantities. Alone uses of herbicides Pelican and Pulsar do not proven decreases waste grain quantities. The highest yields of chickpea seeds are obtained by foliar treatment with herbicide tank-mixture Challenge + Shadow after soil-applied herbicides Pelican and Merlin flex. High yields are obtained also by foliar treatment with herbicide tank-mixture Challenge + Shadow after soil-applied herbicides Stomp aqua and Dual gold.

Keywords: chickpea; herbicides; herbicide combinations; seed yield; sowing characteristics

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