Study on the influence of Lumbrical and Lumbrex bio-fertilizers over an artificial grassland of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.)

Tatyana Bozhanska
Agricultural Academy, Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, 5600 Troyan, Bulgaria


Bozhanska, T. (2019).Study on the influence of Lumbrical and Lumbrex bio-fertilizers over an artificial grassland of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(2), 278–282

In the period 2014-2016, a field experiment was conducted to establish the influence of the Lumbrical (150 and 200 ml/m2) and Lumbrex (150 and 200 ml/da) on the yield, height and chemical composition of red fescue grassland. The preparations included in the experiment have a positive effect on the productivity of red fescue. During the study period, the soil treatment of the plants increased the yield of grass crops to a higher extent compared to the foliar. The amount of fresh and dry mass in the variant with Lumbrical 150 ml/m2 exceeded significantly the non-treated control by 34.5 and 37.0% (P < 0.01). In the grasslands with Lumbrical 200 ml/m2, the values were 24.9% (fresh mass) and 30.2% (dry mass) higher than the control (P < 0.05). The treatment with Lumbrical and Lumbrex increased the height of the grassland of Festuca rubra L. The influence of Lumbrical bio-fertilizer at a dose of 200 ml/m2 increased the average stem length by 14.9% in comparison with the control. Crude protein content in grasslands with soil and leaf bio-fertilization exceeded the control variant by 11.9% (Lumbrex 150 ml/da) to 20.8% (Lumbrical 150 ml/m2). Mineral, phosphorus and crude fat content in the variants with Lumbrical 200 ml/m2 is higher with 14.7%, 16.7% and 17.3% respectively, in comparison with the non-treated control. The introduction of the granulated fraction (200 ml/m2) reduced the fiber concentration of the grassland by 7.5%.

Keywords: Lumbricus rubellus; Festuca rubra L.; organic farming; bio-fertilization

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