Tanya Ivanova, Emiliya Raicheva
Institute of Animal Science, Kostinbrod 2232, Bulgaria
Ivanova, T., & Raicheva, E. (2019). Application of linear scoring method of the udder in sheep. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(Suppl 1), 87–90
The aim of the present study is application of a new for the country scoring method of the udder in sheep. It was carried out with 28 ewes form the experimental fl ock of the Institute of Animal Science – Kostinbrod. The scores of the teats position, degree of separation of the udder halves, degree of suspension and the depth of the udder were determined through a new method with a nine point scale at fi rst and second control. The type of the udder was also determined using the traditional 5 point scale. A total of 140 scores were done. In order to compare the results of both methods the scores of the teats position were conferred too the udder type as follows: type 1 – no correspondence; type 2 – corresponds to scores 8 and 9; type 3 – corresponding to scores 6 and 7; type 4 – to scores 2 to 5 and type 5 –corresponding to score 1. The amount of milk for the control day was measured according to the АС method of ICAR. The data were evaluated by the statistical package Data Analysis, Excel 2007, Microsoft. One way ANOVA and regression analysis were applied and the coeffi cient of determination (R2) was determined. The signifi cance of the effect of the factors and the regression equation was determined by the values of the Fcriterion. A new for Bulgaria linear scoring method for the udder morphology was applied and compared to the traditionally
used one. The effect of the teats position and the degree of separation of the udder halves on the milk of the control day was signifi cant (P < 0.001). No signifi cance was observed in regard of the relation between the depth of the udder and the degree of suspension (R2 = 0.0653).
Keywords: sheep; udder; score; udder type