Body indices of the Karakachan horse breed

Maya Popova, Vasil Nikolov, Nikolay Krastev
Agricultural University Plovdiv, Faculty of Agronomy, Animal Science, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Popova, M., Nikolov, V., & Krastev, N (2019). Body indices of the Karakachan horse breed. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(Suppl 1), 12–16

Based on the 404 body measurements of 52 horses from the autochthonous Bulgarian breed Karakachan horse are calculated the main body indices. The indices are with the following average values: for body extension – 108.0Ѓ}0.8%, chest index – 59.07±0.99%, massiveness – 121.0 ±1.0%, compactness – 112.2±1.0%, leg length – 54.17±0.43%, body ratio – 100.7±0.4% and for bone development – 13.56±0.11%. The populated area has no reliable infl uence on the body proportions of the horses from the Karakachan breed, but the sex is a reliable source of variation (P < 0.01) only on the bone development index as the bones of the stallions are better developed. The body of the horses from the Karakachan breed is prolonged and with slightly downhill built. The chest is bulky as its girth is larger than the height at the withers and the length of the body, which makes the animals look massive enough and compact.

Keywords: body indices; exterior; Karakachan horse; autochthonous breeds

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