Amel Kouidri1, Amel Meribai2, Abdelouaheb Nouani2,3, Mouloud Mohand Bellal2, Bachar Zebib4, Othmane Merah5,6
1 Département d’Agroalimentaire, Université Saad Dahleb de Blida, Blida 09000, Algeria
2 Laboratoire de Technologie alimentaire et Nutrition humaine, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique, Algiers, Algeria
3 Laboratoire de Technologie alimentaire, Université M‘hamed Bougara, Boumerdès, Algeria
4 Laboratoires Agronutrition SAS, 3 allée de l’Orchidée, 31390 Carbonne, France
5 Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle (LCA), Université de Toulouse, INRA, INPT, Toulouse, France
6 Université Paul Sabatier, IUT A, Département Génie Biologique, 24 rue d’Embaquès 32000 Auch, France
Kouidri, A., Meribai, A., Nouani, A., Bellal, M. M., Zebib, B. & Merah, O. (2019). Effect of feed supply on milk yield and lipid composition in Algerian dairy cows. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(1), 134–140
This study aims to compare the yield and lipid composition of milk in dairy cows depending on the nature of distributed feed supply as concentrate. The Impact of feed supply was evaluated by introduction of maize and soya meal (C1), brewer’s spent grains (C2) and distiller’s dried grains with solubles (C3) into feed regime of Holstein and Montbeliarde dairy cows. Seventy-two Holstein and Montbeliarde dairy cows were followed, in real farming conditions, for a period of 14 weeks. The introduction of cereals stimulated milk production and induced a significant change in its fatty acid composition. C2 and C3 diets showed a rise in unsaturated fatty acids in milk regardless of the cow breed, while diet C1 had no significant effect on milk fat composition. The incorporation of concentrate with higher lipid content in the diet of dairy cows increases milk production and modifies milk fat quality.