Aleksandr Lukin
South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Lukin, A. (2018). Possibility of application of collagen preparation in egg white cream manufacturing technology. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(5), 879–884
The purpose of the research was to study the applicability of a collagen preparation in the egg white cream manufacturing technology. The manufacturing technology of a collagen preparation was developed. As a raw material second category by-products (lips and ears of cattle) and Protepsin enzyme preparation were used. We have studied the effect of the obtained collagen preparation on functional and technological properties of egg whites (foaming capacity and foaming stability). We also took ready dried protein-containing products to compare functional and technological properties of fresh egg whites with the added collagen preparation. Egg whites with 5% added collagen preparation proved to have high functional and technological properties. The foaming capacity was 97%; the foaming stability was 90% in the first minutes, and 80% in the next 15 minutes. The resulting cream with the addition of 5% collagen preparation from the mass of egg whites did not differ in organoleptic characteristics from the traditional formula of egg white cream.