Effect of Climatic Factors on the Sustainability of Different Varieties of Mulberry Grown in the Valley of Sofia

University of Forestry, Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Perennials and Gardening, BG-1797 Sofia, Bulgaria


Nikolova, Ts. and I. Jekova, 2017. Effect of climatic factors on the sustainability of different varieties of mulberry grown in the Valley of Sofia. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 23 (6): 964–967

The influence of climatic factors on the sustainability and variability of three mulberry varieties grown in terms of the Sofia valley. The choice of location for planting mulberry directly affects the production of mulberry leaf. Researched signs that determine the economic importance of the mulberry bush, length and thickness of shoots, number of shoots, leaf size and intermediate distance. It was found that the values of climatic factors: air temperature and humidity, affect the growth and development of mulberry.

Key words: mulberry; impact resistance; climatic factors

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