South Ural State University, 454080 Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Lukin, A. and K. Bitiutskikh, 2017. Investigation on the use of hemp fl our in cookie production. Bulg. J. Agric.Sci., 23 (4): 664–667
The aim of this research was to study the potential use of hemp fl our in the making of cookies. A method for producing sugar cookies with improved organoleptic and physicochemical properties was developed. The results of a sensory evaluation of a new type of product are presented. As a result of the study, characteristic descriptors for organoleptic quality analysis have been developed to aid the evaluation of the ready product by its main quality parameters (taste, flavor, color and surface condition), as well as determine the product’s doneness, chewiness and shape. Based on the spider plot of organoleptic properties of the cookies, an improvement in the doneness property was found when replacing 10 and 20% of hemp fl our with corn flour. On the total score, gluten-free cookies made from hemp flour and corn flour at an 80:20 ratio showed high quality scores, their total scores being second after traditional cookies made using the basic recipe. A recipe for gluten-free sugar cookies made with hemp flour was created based on the conducted optimization. It has been determined that adding corn flour to the cookie recipe changes their sensory characteristics in addition to improving texture and physicochemical properties.