1 Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, The Hashemite University, P.O. Box 330127,Zarqa 13133, Jordan
2 Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Al- Hussein Bin Talal.University, P.O. Box (20) Ma’an, Jordan
3 Lands Management and Envirionment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, The Hashemite University, P.O. Box 330127, Zarqa 13133, Jordan
AL-GHZAWI; A. L. A., K. A. JUMA’A, I. M. AL-RAWASHDEH, S. D. AL-KOFAHI and E. Y. BSOUL, 2016. Diversity of herbacious plant communities and Artemisia herba-alba Asso. at different governorates’ open-lands in Jordan. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 22: 897–905
Jordan is a small country located in the Fertile Crescent region and is very rich in plant taxa due to the variability of its bio-geographical regions and ecosystems. Plant diversity in Jordan is at risk due to demographic reasons, land use problems, human and environmental stressors. The objective of this research was to evaluate the fl oral diversity in different ecosystems in Jordan (Al-Shoubak, Al-Tafi leh, Madaba and Al-Mafraq governorates) with special concern given to Artemisia herba alba diversity. Artemisia herba alba is an endangered medicinal plant species. The transect-quadrate method was used and three sites were examined within each governorate. The collected data were analyzed statistically and descriptively. Statistical analysis did not show evidence of association between the governorate elevation and species diversity indices. No statistical signifi cant variability in species diversity indices among governorates were found. However, Shannon diversity index, evenness, relative density, species density and richness were different among locations. The species density was the highest in Madaba (36 plants/m2) and the lowest was in Tafi leh (21 plants/m2). But Tafi leh showed the highest Shannon diversity index, species richness and evenness. Shoubak showed the highest density of Artemisia herba alba along with frequency and relative frequency. Shoubak ecosystem considered the best of those studied for growing and maintaining this plant. Mafraq showed the lowest Shannon diversity, species evenness and density of Artemisia herba alba. This indicates that this region is intensively disturbed and conservation efforts are urgent to maintain its species and genetic diversity. Managing the collection of Artemisia herba albaand adoption of domestication programs will conserve it, specifi cally in Mafraq region.