Breeding Value and Their Relationship to the Cutting Parts in Beef Bull Progeny

1 Agriresearch Rapotin Ltd., Czech Republic, 78813 Vikyrovice, Czech Republic
2 Bentley Czech s.r.o., 108 00 Praha, Czech Republic
3 Palacky University Olomouc, Department of zoology, Faculty of Science, 77147 Olomouc, Czech Republic


ŘIHA, J. and J. BEZDIČEK, 2016. Breeding value and their relationship to the cutting parts in beef bull progeny. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 22: 821–828

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the relative breeding value of the paternal growth of sires on highly valued parts of carcasses in their progeny. The study was carried out on nine Beef breeds in the Czech Republic. Cutting parts evaluated were: round, strip loin and tenderloin (First class meat); rib, shoulder blade (boneless), fore shank, fl ank, chuck roll + neck (Second-class meat) and separable fat. For statistical data analysis was used STATISTICA 8 software (Statistica 8, StatSoft Inc., 2008. Tulsa, OK). The data were processed using canonical analysis to evaluate basic relationships in the two groups of selected parameters. The group on the right set consisted of selected cuts. The group on the left set consisted of relative breeding values of paternal growth effect, age, weight and breed. Correlation analysis of relative breeding value revealed a signifi cant relationship only to separable fat, fl ank and strip loin. Although this correlation was signifi cant, their value was low. For the other breeding traits there were no signifi cant correlations with different cutting parts. Based on the results of canonical analysis, 10.42% explained variability in the context of the controlled variables of the left set of parameters (breed, RBVseg, age and weight) can be explained using single cuts. We also found that only 5.95% of the explained variability of meat cuts – variables of the right set of parameters can be explained using breed, RBVseg, age and weight.

Key words: meat production, breeding value, cutting parts
Abbreviations: RBVpge = Relative breeding value of paternal growth effect

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