Comparative Study of Bulgarian White Brined Cheese from Cow and Buffalo Milk

University of Food Technologies, BG-4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


IVANOV, G., T. BALABANOVA, M. IVANOVA and R. VLASEVA, 2016. Comparative study of Bulgarian white brined cheese from cow and buffalo milk. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 22: 643–646

Changes in the physicochemical and fatty acid composition in samples of white brined cheese from cow and buffalo milk were examined with a focus on their dynamics during ripening. Signifi cant differences in the physicochemical composition of the samples tested were found, owing to the specifi c chemical composition of the raw materials. The chromatographic analysis revealed that the amount of saturated fatty acids in both varieties of white cheese accounted for approximately 70 g.100 g–1 of the fatty matter, while the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids was about 30 g.100 g–1. The acid and peroxide values in both experimental cheese variants remained relatively stable throughout the study period, which is evidence of the low degree of hydrolysis and oxidation of the milk fat.

Key words: white brined cheese from cow and buffalo milk; physicochemical and fatty acid composition
Abbreviations: Bulgarian National Standard (BNS); white brined cheese (WBC)

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