Effect of Long-Term Phosphorus Fertilization on the Mineral Composition of Oriental Tobacco

Agricultural Academy, Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, BG-4108 Markovo, Bulgaria


BOZHINOVA, R., 2016. Effect of long-term phosphorus fertilization on the mineral composition of oriental tobacco. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 22: 386–390

The effects of the different phosphorus rates (0; 75 and 225 kg ha–1) on tobacco yield and concentration of macro- and micronutrients in leaves have been studied in a stationary fi eld trial. A long-term fertilizer experiment with continuous tobacco cropping system was established on rendzina soil (Rendzic Leptosol) in 1966. Phosphorus was identifi ed as a factor limiting cured leaf yield in continuous tobacco cropping system, established on a soil with low available P. With the increase of phosphorus fertilization rate the content of the phosphorus and calcium in leaves also increased. Zinc concentration was signifi cantly greater in the lower and middle leaves that received no supplemental P fertilizer compared with those plots that did. Copper content of the leaves decreased with increase of phosphorus fertilizing level from 0 to 75 kg ha–1. Fertilization whit 75 kg P2O5 ha–1 should be considered as optimal for producing high yield of sun-cured leaves.

Key words: tobacco, phosphorus fertilization, macronutrients, micronutrients

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