1 University of Economics and Innovation (WSEI) in Lublin, 20-209 Lublin, Poland
2 The Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University in Lutsk, 43025, Lutsk, Ukraine
ZWOLAK, J. and M. KULYNYCH, 2016. Efficiency of reproduction of fixed assets in Polish agriculture. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 22: 182–187
The article includes research on the efficiency of the increase in gross value of newly introduced fixed assets and the net value of held fixed assets in Polish agriculture in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. The efficiency (average and marginal productivity) of the increase in gross value of newly introduced fixed assets (restoration) was in the area of rational management. Whereas the efficiency of the net value of held fixed assets (basis) was at the beginning of entry into the area of rational management of this resource. The average rate of growth of the increase in gross value of newly introduced fixed assets was eleven times faster than the average rate of growth of sold market output. The changes that occurred during the aforementioned restoration of fixed assets also changed the organization and the existing conditions of market output. Whereas the average rate of growth of the net value of held fixed assets was similar to the average rate of growth of sold market output. The aforementioned is in accordance with the theory of the application of fixed assets, which states that the increase in fixed assets should be connected with the increase in sold market output.