Conservation of Genetic Resources of Autochthonous Domestic Livestock Breeds in Bulgaria. A Review

Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, BG - 6000, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


TANCHEV, Sv., 2015. Conservation of genetic resources of autochthonous domestic livestock breeds in Bulgaria. A review. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 1262–1271

The first part of the present paper makes on overview of available literature reflecting the global trends for conservation of genetic resources in livestock husbandry. The second part presents the status and organisation of activities aimed at conservation of autochthonous domestic livestock breeds in Bulgaria. The role of state establishments and non-governmental organisation, the state of populations and conservation approaches, as well as the economic and social significance of Bulgarian autochthonous breeds’ conservation are described. A special attention is paid on research devoted to conservation on Bulgarian autochthonous animal breeds in both historical and modern perspective. The analysis of the state of genetic resources demonstrated that the tendencies in Bulgaria were not quite different from European and global tendencies. In conclusion, it is emphasized that there is a need for development, update and implementation of efficient programmes and strategies for conservation of the genetic fund and genetic variability, specific for autochthonous animal breeds. This process requires proper decisions that could be achieved through continuous interaction between state institutions and non-governmental organisations, namely breeding associations and unions, animals’ farms and livestock husbandry research centres in Bulgaria.

Key words: animal genetic resources, conservation, Bulgarian autochthonous breeds

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