Transfer of Microwave Irradiation Effects of Seed Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to the Plants of Next Generations

University of Agriculture in Cracow, 30-149 Kraków, Poland


JAKUBOWSKI, T., 2015. Transfer of microwave irradiation effects of seed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to the plants of next generations. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 1185-1193

The purpose of the research was to determine whether the effects of irradiation of seed potatoes, resulting in an increased total tuber yield, are transferred to the plants of next generations. The research was conducted between 2011 and 2013 in southern Poland on very early edible potato varieties, Bard, Flaming and Orlik. The transfer of irradiation effects to the plants of next generations was not confirmed. The highest yield was recorded in the first year of the experiment on crops grown from microwave-irradiated seed potatoes. No significant effect of microwaves on the potato yield in the next years was noted.

Key words: potato, microwave, yield, genotype
List of abbreviations: f – microwave frequency (Hz); ε0 – permittivity of free space (F·m-1); ρB – potato tuber density (kg·m-3); ε’’B – coefficient of dielectric losses of potato tuber (-); EB – intensity of electric field generated in the seed potato by microwaves (V·m-1); mB – seed potato mass (kg); PB – power induced in the seed potato (W); Sd – standard deviation; Wz – coefficient of variation (%); min., max., av. – respectively, minimum, maximum and average value

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