1 Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Inonu University, 44300 Malatya-Turkey
2 Harran University, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, 63040 Sanliurfa-Turkey
3 Artvin Coruh University, Faculty of Engineering, 08100 Artvin-Turkey
DOGAN, E., I. RAT, A. KAHRAMAN and I. S. IPEK, 2015. Green pea response to deficit irrigation rates under semi-arid climatic conditions. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 1005–1011
A study was carried out in the 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons, to determine the supplemental irrigation effect on yield and yield components of green pea under the semi-arid climatic conditions of Harran Plain, Sanliurfa, Turkey. Irrigation treatments included I0 (dryland), I25, I50, I75, I100 (full irrigation), and I125 (over irrigation) and scheduled based on soil moisture measurements. Annual precipitation was about 200 mm in first year and 275 mm in the second year. In addition, the full irrigation treatment plot received 235 and 195 mm in respective years. Almost all of the measured crop parameters including number of pod per plant, 1000- seed weight, biomass and seed yield parameters were increased by irrigation treatments up to full irrigation except number of branch as per plant. Biomass values ranged in general from 5500 (dry land) to 11500 (fully irrigated) kg ha-1, while seed yield varied from 1300 (dry land) to 3450 (full irrigated) kg ha-1. Therefore it is recommended to fully irrigate the green pea crop for optimum biomass and seed yield when irrigation water is available. Otherwise, considerable yield reduction can be anticipated.