Longevity of Sedum spectabile Boreau Cut Flowering Shoots Depending on Postharvest Treatment

Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Ornamental Plants, Poland, 60 –594 Poznań, Poland


ULCZYCKA–WALORSKA, M. P. and A. KRZYMINSKA. 2015. Longevity of Sedum spectabile Boreau cut flowering shoots depending on postharvest treatment. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 851–854

In the conducted experiment postharvest longevity of cut flowering shoots of Sedum spectabile was assessed after 24-hour conditioning in aqueous solution of 8-hydroxyquinolinium sulphate at the concentration of 200 mg dm-3 and subsequently stored in either water or in gibberellic acid solutions at the concentration of 50 or 100 mg dm-3, and also in solutions of 8-hydroxyquinolinium sulphate with or without the addition of 2% or 5% of sucrose. Both conditioning in 8HQS and storing flowering shoots in 8HQS with or without sucrose had an unfavourable effect onto their postharvest longevity. The highest longevity was observed in unconditioned shoots stored in gibberellic acid solution at the concentration of 100 mg dm-3. The application of 8HQS to conditioning as well as storage in GA3 or 8HQS with or without the addition of sucrose had a favourable effect onto SPAD.

Key words: postharvest longevity, 8HQS, GA3, Sedum spectabile, vase life
Abbreviations: 8HQS – 8 – hydroxyquinoline sulfate; GA3 – gibberellic acid; SPAD – Soil Plant Analyses Development

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