Imam Khomeini Agricultural Higher Education Center, Institute of Applied Scientific Higher Education of Jahad-e Agriculture, Karaj, Iran
ASGHARI, R., 2014. Influence of liliums and roses interaction on post-harvest quality of the cut flowers as affected by pulsing solution and packaging materials. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 784–790
Rose and Lilium are the most important and marketable cut flowers in the world. However, a relatively limited vase life reduces its marketability. This st udy was performed to evalu ate the ef fect of interaction of packaging flowers together in a preservative solution under exogenous ethylene and anti-ethylene treatments on their post harvest characteristics. The experiment consisted of pre-treating the f lowers with silver thiosulfate 0.5 mM STS for 2 h at room temperature placed in pulsing solutions containing 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate (8HQS) and packed (two packaging type, glass and polyethyleneamid) under exogenous ethylene treatment at 0.1, 10 and 100 μl l-1. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The results showed protein content, ethylene production and also fresh and dry weight rose and lilium (phythochemical charters affect on the flowers vase life) were changed significantly. Therefore based on the experiment results packaging type and concentration of exogenous ethylene treatment indicated the most important factors influencing on vase life.