Agricultural University, BG – 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
KOPRIVLENSKI, V., M. DIMITROVA and I. ZHALNOV, 2015. Economic evaluation of new herbicides for weed control in maize grain. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 315–319
One of the economically significant problems related to the production of maize is the successful fight against weeds that annually spread and substantially damage the yield and the quality of the produce.
The aim of this survey is to implement a summarized assessment of the economic results from the application of new herbicidal preparations on fodder maize. The conducted field experiment at the experimental base of the Agricultural University, Plovdiv within the period 2011–2013 comprises 10 variants, including 8 variants treated with herbicides. We analyzed the production indices, the thresholds of economic efficiency and the factors determining them.
It has been established that the application of herbicidal preparations provides high economic results from the production of grain maize and also profits from unit of area as the profitability ranges from 38% to 43%.