Effect of Genotype, Feather Growth-Rate Gene and the Age Of Hens on the Egg Quality

1 Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Animal Husbandry; 165 21 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic
2 DOMINANT CZ, Lazne Bohdanec, Czech Republic
3 Lihen Studenec s.r.o., Konesín, Czech Republic


LEDVINKA, Z., L. ZITA, M. TYLLER, P. DOBROVOLNY, L. KLESALOVA and H. TYLLEROVA, 2014. Effect of genotype, feather growth-rate gene and the age of hens on the egg quality. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 1466-1471


The study monitored the effect of genotype, feather growth-rate gene and the age of hens on egg quality parameters of laying type hens Dominant. The following genotypes were used for the needs of this experiment: Barred Plymouth Rock strain, slow- and fast-feathering; Blue Plymouth Rock strain, slow- and fast-feathering and the crossbreds of the above mentioned strains in the F1 generation (strain Blue in the paternal position). The observation showed a significant effect of age on the selected parameters, conclusive effect of genotype (with the exception for egg weight and yolk colour) and notable effect of the feather growth-rate gene on the egg weight, the ratio of yolk, white and eggshell, Haugh’s unit, eggshell strength and colour. Most of the parameters were influenced by the interactions between the age of hens and the genotype, between the age of hens and the representation of the K/k alleles and between the genotype and the representation of the K/k alleles. There was also interaction between the age of hens and the genotype and the representation of the K/k alleles.

Key words: laying type hens, Dominant, age, genotype, allele K/k, yolk, albumen, eggshell

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