Institute of Forage Crops, BG - 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria
VASILEVA, V., 2014. Changes in chemical composition of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] plant after presowing treatment of seeds with insecticides. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 1119-1122
Changes in some charatcteristics of chemical composition of aboveground and root mass of soybean after presowing treatment of seeds with insecticides were studied in a pot trial carried out at the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria (2003-2004). Soybean cultivar Pavlikeny 121 was used and the next insecticide preparations were tested: Gaucho 600 FS (600 g.L-1 imidacloprid) (1, 2 and 3 L.100 kg-1 seeds), Carbodan 35 ST (350 g.L-1 carbofuran) (1, 2 and 3 L.100 kg-1 seeds), and Promet 400 CS (400 g.L-1 furathiocarb) (3 L.100 kg-1 seeds) (standard). It was found that Gaucho 600 FS at the dose of 1 L.100 kg-1 seeds increased crude protein content in aboveground mass by 14.0 g.kg-1 dry matter (DM) and in root mass by 22.6 g.kg-1 DM as compared to untreated control. Crude fiber content in aboveground mass increased by 28.0 g.kg-1 DM when Carbodan 35 ST at the dose of 3 L.100 kg-1 seeds was applied and decreased in root mass by 74.5 g.kg-1 DM for the same insecticide at the dose of 2 L.100 kg-1 seeds. Calcium content in aboveground mass was by 1.9 g.kg-1 DM higher as compared to untreated control for Gaucho 600 FS at the dose of 1 L.100 kg-1 seeds. When Carbodan 35 ST at the dose of 1 L.100 kg-1 seeds was applied, phosphorus content in aboveground mass increased by 0.20 g.kg-1 DM and in root mass by 0.28 g.kg-1 DM for Gaucho 600 FS at the dose of 1 L.100 kg-1. Chemical composition of plant biomass did not include the amount of possible residues after the using of insecticides.