Factors Influencing Seedling Emergence from Immature Embryos of Winter Wheat and the Transplantation in Summer Field

J. R. GAO1,2,3, H. G. WANG1,2,3, X. F. LI1,2,3, Y. G.. BAO1,2,3 and D. S. FENG1,2,3
1 College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, P. R. China
2 Tai’an Subcent re of National Wheat Improvement Centre, Tai’an 271018, P. R. China
3 State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, P. R. China


GAO, J. R., H. G. WANG, X. F. LI, Y. G.. BAO and D. S. FENG, 2014. Factors influencing seedling emergence from immature embryos of winter wheat and the transplantation in summer field. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 1102-1108


In order to complete 4-5 generations development of winter wheat per year via taking timely use of summer field and greenhouse, the study was performed to investigate the influencing factors on the seedlings mergence from immature embryos of winter wheat and their transplanting survival rate in summer field. The immature embryos of Jimai 20, Yanyou 361, Tainong 18, Zhongyou 9507 and F1 (Jimai20×Yanyou361) at 11-13, 14-16 and 17-19d of embryonic age were cultured in three different media with or without hormones. The seedling emergence rates were compared and the seedlings were directly transplanted to summer field after vernalization for 15, 20 and 25d, respectively. The results showed that the appropriate time for vernalization of seedlings was 20-25d; Among the nine inoculation tests, higher germination rate (95.80% on average) and transplanting survival rate of seedling (86.95% on average) were obtained from the 14-16d immature embryos cultured in the media without hormones, and the seedling emergence rate was the highest (82.95% on average). When seedlings were transplanted to the groove in summer field, we found the transplanting survival rate was greatly improved by covering the roots of seedlings with a small amount of detritus substrates and burying in soil. In summary, we have identified and optimized critical factors that influence the seedling emergence from immature embryos of winter wheat and their transplanting survival rate in summer field.

Key words: immature embryo, in vitro wheat culture, seedling emergence rate, vernalization, transplantation

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