The Relationship between Different Types of Markers and Glucosinolates Content of Parental Lines of F1 CMS oguraHybrids of Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)

1 Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
2 Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, National Research Institute, Department of Oilseed Crops, 60-479 Poznań, Poland


BOCIANOWSKI, J., A. LIERSCH and I. BARTKOWIAK-BRODA, 2014. The relationship between different types of markers and glucosinolates content of parental lines of F1 CMS ogura hybrids of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 868-876


The protein content in dry matter of seeds of winter oilseed rape ranges from 21 to 24%, in oil-free meal from 33 to 43% and in cake mill from 28 to 34%. In order to ensure the use of rapeseed meal and expellers as feed for livestock, breeding programmes are conducted to reduce the content of antinutritional compounds in seeds. Glucosinolates in meal of oilseed rape are still one of the main antinutritive compounds, despite their low glucosinolates content in seeds of double-low open pollinated and hybrid varieties of winter oilseed rape. The breeding of rapeseed cultivars is carried out in order to reduce alkenyl glucosinolates to total elimination. The effectiveness of breeding of rapeseed genotypes with low glucosinolates content can be increased by using different types of molecular markers. Effective selection of parental forms of hybrids characterized by different glucosinolates content is the factor that has a decisive role in the advancement of this type of breeding. The application of molecular markers makes a selection process much more effective. Taking this into account, there were initiated investigations into the relationship between glucosinolates content of 18 parental lines of F1 CMS ogura hybrids of winter oilseed rape and different types of markers. DNA polymorphism of parental lines was determined using RA PD, AFLP, polymerase chain reaction and isozymes. The obtained results revealed a statistically significant relationship between the markers and glucosinolates content.

Key words: glucosinolates content; hybrids; molecular markers; oilseed rape (B. napus L.)

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