The Effects of Reduced Tillage and Compaction Level on the Red Lentil Yield

Igdir University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Farm Machinery, 76000 - Igdir, Turkey


ALTIKAT, S., 2013. The effects of reduced tillage and compaction level on the red lentil yield. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19: 1161-1169


A two year - field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of three tillage treatments and three intra-row compaction levels on sowing performance, weed population, red lentil yield and yield components. The tillage treatments were: (1) conventional tillage (moldboard plow + disk harrow + float - CT); (2) reduced tillage 1 (horizontal axis rotary tiller - RT1); (3) reduced tillage 2 (vertical axis rotary tiller with roller - RT2). Intra-row compaction levels were: (1) no compaction (C0), (2) 60 kPa compaction (C1) and (3) 90 kPa compaction (C2). Results concluded that reduced tillage systems provided the best results of sowing performance and weed density. However, the highest crop yield was observed at the plot with tilled conventional tillage systems. Additionally, the increase in the intra-row compaction level improved sowing performance and crop yields.

Key words: yield component, conventional tillage, sowing performance, weed density, penetration resistance
Abbreviations: T - Tillage; C – Compaction; CT - Conventional Tillage; RT1 -Horizontal axis rotary tiller; RT2 - Vertical axis rotary tiller; C0 - 0 kPa intra-row compaction level; C1 - 60 kPa intra-row compaction level; C2 - 90 kPa intra-row compaction level; SY - Seed yield; NPP - Number of pods plant-1; PH - Plant height (cm); SW - 1000 seeds weight (g); FPH - First pod height (cm)

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