The Physical and Chemical Properties of Kiwifruit Harvested at Four Stages

1 Saba University, Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia, Iran
2 Urmia University, Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia, Iran
3 Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Ardabil, Iran


HOSSEINZADEH, J., M. FEYZOLLAHZADEH and A. H. AFKARI, 2013. The physical and chemical properties of kiwifruit harvested at four stages. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 19: 174-180


Comprehensive information on properties of agricultural crops facilitates the design of modern machinery and processing equipment with modified quality specifications. Hence, mechanics of agricultural materials due to its special importance has quite developed despite being young. In this research some physical properties of the kiwifruit (Hayward and Bruno cultivars), soluble solid content and pH were investigated for two fruit cultivar during four harvest stages. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of harvest time and cultivar on some physical properties of kiwifruit varieties, typically cultivated in Iran. Physical properties of kiwifruit were determined at a moisture content of 80% to 86% (wet basis). The considered parameters were geometric mean diameter, Arithmetic mean diameter sphericity, true density and aspect ratio. Results showed that geometric mean diameter and sphericity were significantly affected by fruit cultivar. However, there was no significant effect on true density. Soluble solid content and pH values increased in both cultivars with increasing harvest time.

Key words: kiwifruit; harvest stage; physical properties, variety
Abbreviations: M - moisture content (% d. b.); L - length of the seed (mm); W - width of the seed (mm); T – thickness of the seed (mm); Da - Arithmetic mean diameter (mm); φ - sphericity; m - mass of the fruit (g); V - volume of fruit (mm3); ρt - true density (g/cm3); Dg - geometric mean diameter (mm)

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