Characteristics and Basic Traits Connected with the Seed-productivity in the Fruit of F1 Tomato Hybrids

Maritsa Institute of Vegetable Crops, BG - 4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


GANEVA, D., 2011. Characteristics and basic traits connected with the seed-productivity in the fruit of F1 tomato hybrids. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 17: 429-436

Variability has been studied and a comparative evaluation has been made of the basic traits connected with the seed-productivity in the fruit of intravarietal hybrids of tomatoes and their parental lines. The research was conducted at the Maritsa VCRI, Plovdiv during the period of 2005-2008. The variance of the indicators average weight, average number of seeds in one fruit and the absolute weight of seeds of the large-fruit parental varieties is higher than the small-fruit ones. The hybrid combinations of tomatoes hardly vary from their parental forms as referring to the variance of average number of seeds in the fruit, number of seeds in 1g of fruit and absolute weight of seeds. The average number of seeds in 75% of hybrid combinations is bigger than those of the parental line, and in 25% it is smaller than the parental forms with greater number of seeds but it is not smaller than the female one. The number of seeds in 1g of fruit in F1 hybrid combinations of tomatoes is significantly larger than those of the parental forms. Only in two of the hybrid combinations Bela x Roma and Venera x Roma the absolute weight of the seeds is smaller both compared to the female and the male lines. The achieved results give us a reason to conduct a successful breeding in accordance with these traits in order to create hybrids with lower seed-productivity by a precise choice of parental couples.

Key words: tomatoes, seeds, variance, level of dominance

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