Interaction of the Technological Properties of Common Winter Wheat Varieties with Some Agronomy Factors

Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, BG-9520 General Toshevo, Bulgaria


STOEVA, I. and A. IVANOVA, 2009. Interaction of the technological properties of common winter wheat varieties with some agronomy factors. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 15: 417-422

This paper presents results obtained during the period 2004 - 2006 on the changes of wet gluten content in flour, the sedimentation value, the physical properties of dough and the bread-making quality of varieties Aglika, Iveta, Pryaspa, Kristi and Karat (these varieties being from different quality groups) according to the main elements of the agronomy practice: crop rotation and the norm of mineral fertilization.
It was found that the phenotype variations in the sedimentation value and wet gluten content in 70 % flour of the varieties were determined by the fertilization applied and the year conditions.
The variations in the valorimeric value and bread loaf resulted from the variety x fertilization x year interaction. The effect of crop rotation was not significant. Variety Aglika had the best quality indices combined with high responsiveness to improved environmental conditions. Variety Kristi (of medium strength) demonstrated the best ecological stability with regard to physical properties of dough and bread loaf.

Key words: wheat, variety, quality, agronomy practice

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