Effect of Technological and Regional Conditions on Costs in Wine Grape Production

1 Researche Institute for Land Reclamation and Mechanization, BG - 1331 Sofia, Bulgaria
2 Institute of Viticulture and Enology, BG - 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria


KOSTADINOV, G., D. IVANOV and V. PEYKOV, 2008. Effect of technological and regional conditions on costs in wine grape production. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 14: 509-516

the objective of this work was to assess the extent of effect of the factors related to production costs in wine grape production. An approach and methods for technological and technical analysis of grape production have been developed. The analysis showed that the costs related to plant protection had the greatest share in the total costs (40%), followed by the costs related to grape harvesting (17%), fertilizing (14.5%) and selective pruning (11%). The fertilizer costs were 1/6 of the total costs and those of preparations - 1/3. It was found that the analyzed factors definitely influenced the costs of grape production in plantations up to 30 - 40 ha. Their effect decreased considerably in larger areas. For the different factors that effect differed from parts of one percent to 20%. Within the range of the possible price of the used power means, its effect on the variable costs reached the greatest value among the analyzed factors - up to 20%. The effect of its annual load was also considerable. The functional relations obtained in this study and analyses allow using them to elaborate programm modules for functional multi-criterion analysis of agricultural production.

Key words: wine grape growing, technology, costs in wine grape production

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