1 Department of Agronomy, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
OLAOYE, G. and I. OGUNLADE, 2006. Farmers response to stem borer control adoption trials in three local government areas of Abia state, Nigeria. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 797-802
Maize stalk borer is an indigenous African moth that has larvae that bore into grasses with thick stem. It is a pest of maize, which has the tendency of reducing production by 10 - 12 percent. This study analyzed farmers response to adoption of stem borer resistance varieties as a complementary crop management practice in three local government areas of Abia State, Nigeria. Specifically the study examined the socio-economic characteristics of farmers cultivating maize who were involved in the trials. It described the seasonal cultivation of maize by the farmers and investigated colour preference of stem borer resistance open pollinated maize varieties. A total of one hundred and fourteen maize farmers were randomly sampled for this study. Interview schedule was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data were analyzed by using frequency count and percentages. The result showed that 52.6% of the farmers were females, 45% of the farmers in Umuahia North cultivated more of early maize while 52% of their counterpart from Umuahia South cultivated late maize. About 85% used NPK fertilizer to boost maize yield and used seeds from previous harvest to plant, 72.8% preferred while maize which they put into various uses. The study concluded that farmers have positive response to the adoption trials. It suggested a gender free program for maize farmers in the area with intensive education or the importance of yellow maize and method of preserving seeds for further productions.