A Comparative Study of the Methods for Preparation of Soil Samples for Analysis

1 Institute of Tobacco and Tobacco Products, BG-4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2 Agricultural University, BG-4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


ZAPRJANOVA, P., L. DOSPATLIEV, V ANGELOVA, and K. IVANOV, 2006. A comparative study of the methods for preparation of soil samples for analysis. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 375-385

A comparative study of the most widely spread methods for soil sample preparation for determination of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn was carried out. Three certified soil samples corresponding to 2 main soil types in Bulgaria were used in the study: Light Alluvial-deluvial Meadow Soil PS-1, SOOMET No 0001 -1999 BG, SOD No310a98; Light Meadow Cinnamon Soil PS-2, SOOMET No 0002 -1999 BG, SOD No 311a98; Light Alluvial-deluvial Meadow Soil PS-3, SOOMET No0003 -1999 BG, SOD No 312a98. Light Alluvial-deluvial Meadow Soil PS-3, SOOMET No 0003 -1999 BG, SOD No 312a98. The soils are certified on national and international level and registered with numbers. Six most commonly used methods for sample preparation were used as follows: ISO 11466, ISO 11047, EPAMethod3051, EPAMethod3052, BDS ISO 14869-1, ISBN 01175 19081. It was found out that the extent of extraction of the studied elements is different and depends on the method of sample preparation and the soil type. In all cases the method of soil sample preparation is dominating. The determination of the total content of Fe and Mn in all cases demands the usage of fluoride hydroxide acid and more special work conditions, while at determining that of Cu and Zn this is not necessary. The evaluation of the borders of application of the methods for sample preparation depends on the purposes of the study and demands fractioning of the soil and determining the distribution of the elements in the different fractions. This would enable selection of the most suitable for the concrete purpose method connected with the least losses of time and money.

Key words: methods, analysis, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, soils