Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Varna - Branch Plovdiv, BG - 4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
NIKOLOVA, L., L. HADJINIKOLOVA and A. STOEVA, 2006. Slaughtering analysis of three-year old carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) reared under the conditions of integrated and non-integrated technologies. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 12: 343-351
A comparative slaughtering analysis of three-year old common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) reared under the conditions of fish-duck integrated and non-integrated technologies, was carried out at the Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture - Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The fish was reared in poly culture - Cyprinus carpio L. at a stocking rate of 200 pieces/dka (1 : 1 scaled carp "Trakia 1" and mirror carp "Plovdiv") and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val. ) at a stocking rate of 30 pieces/ dka, in 5 fish- fattening ponds of an area of 1 .3 to 4. 1 dka. One integrated and one non- integrated ponds were stocked with common carp, the average weight of the fishes being 0.478 kg, and 2 integrated and one non-integrated ponds - with common carp of an average weight of 0.340 kg. The fish was fed on concentrated forage. 4.5 kg of forage were planned per kilogram of weight gain. Ducks of Peking breed and mule ducks were fattened in the fishponds. The average stocking density of the ponds integrated with ducks was Kd = 2.498 (Nikolova, 2003). For the slaughtering analysis at the end of the vegetation period six carps were taken from each pond (by three from a breed) - 30 fishes in total. It was established that the common carp in the ponds without ducks reached a higher live weight (9.9%), (F( 1 .478); P>0.05) due to which the absolute values of the weight of the head, gills, fins and scales were higher (F(3. 055-4. 078); P < 0.05). As for the fishes reared in the integrated ponds the relative shares were lower: for the head (5.1%), (F(l .409); P>0.05), gills (2.4%) (F(0.080); P>0.05), fins (8.9%)(F(0.63 1); P>0.05) and scales (10.3%) (F(2.61 1); P>0.05). The gonads were less developed (26.8%) (F(5 . 1 52); PO.05) and the rest of the internal organs were better developed (3 1.8%). For the fishes reared together with ducks the slaughtering yield was higher (4.2%), (F( 1 .370); P>0.05) but the percentage of the fillet was lower (6.0%)